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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We have circled the zodiac in 12 cosmic fragments, from Cancer round to Gemini.
Tethy will now go into retreat and will return for the September Equinox.

Monday, May 16, 2011


The planet Mercury is closely associated with the sign Gemini. We met Mercury once before in association with the sign of Virgo. When Mercury is ruling Virgo, his more practical qualities are emphasised. When Mercury is ruling Gemini, he energies work more on the plane of pure ideas and more effort is needed to bring that thought down to the practical world of everyday living. Both Virgo and Gemini share in common the need to put their minds to work, to invent new ways of tackling old tasks, but in Virgo it is easier to see in what way the idea can be applied, whilst Gemini may remain in the realm of theory, plans and discussion only.

Mercury is a very important planet, one whose qualities indicate how we perceive and intellectually respond to the world around us. Mercury also rules our nerve energy and so influences the way we move and communicate. In Ancient Egypt the god Thoth represented these qualities. Thoth is the god of writing and recording and of spell making.

Thoth Ancient Egyptian god of writing and communication. [Budge]

By the time of the Greeks and Romans the role of Thoth was taken over by the Greek god Hermes.

Hermes/Mercury [Larousse]

In Egypt, Thoth as master of writing transcribed the word of the gods so that humans could understand what was being communicated to them. The gods being represented by the other planets and acting as symbols for the different human traits such as loving [Venus] giving [Jupiter] conserving [Saturn] feeling [Moon] nobility [Sun].

In Greece, as a descendent of Thoth, Hermes too communicated between the gods and humans; he wears wings on his heels for speedy transport between the two worlds, that of man and that of gods. This hints at another Egyptian god, that of Anubis who also commutes between the two worlds and is known as a psychopomp or one who leads and guides the dead or the soul, into the world of the spirit or gods.

Reading mythology is a good introduction to the gods/goddesses but you have to look beyond the surface recording to see and feel what drives that myth. Try Robert Graves, ‘Greek Myths’. The Greek Myths: Complete Edition

Friday, May 13, 2011


On the 21st May the sun will move into the zodiac sign of Gemini. This is the sign of the twins or the dual aspects of life personified. Those of the sign of the ‘Twins’ are quick, some very quick, in both physical movement and mental computation. This very talent however, can cause Gemini to never follow through on any one thing, with the end result being that the flower of youth fizzles and their real talent never realised. ‘Two many irons in the fire’, means that one’s energies are spread too far and thinly for achievement of the highest in any one area or discipline.

The dual nature of a Geminis means that they can look forward and backward at the same time and give what is perceived a contact point in the third point of the present. This may account for their quick insight and ability to gather information of immediate use to a present situation.
Gemini loves to collect facts and information so that they can enjoy sharing it with their friends; there is no point having knowledge if it cannot be shared and enjoyed. Gemini also likes to play games, especially if their agile body can be put to work as well as their flexible thinking; playing tennis, fighting a mock dual, riding a bicycle, doing the cross word. Life is fun and should be lived with light-hearted joy. Those with a need and ability to ponder the imponderables do well as writers and philosophers. Was Plato a Gemini, standing on the steps of the Academy and spreading his words of wisdom to those willing to listen? For those who like books try Umberto Ecco ‘The Name of the Rose’. The Name of the Rose 

Is this Plato?

Lesser mortals of the Gemini variety must be very careful in their persistent searching not to have too many projects on the go at once or they may end up chasing their own tails. There is also danger of spending too much time having cups of tea and chatting about the weather!

Castor and Pollux are the two famous stars of the constellation Gemini. They are the celestial twins, the dark and light forces of mythology. Leonardo painted a picture of them in his portrayal of the Greek myth of Leda and the Swan.

 Leonardo’s original is lost. This is a copy made by Cesare Sesto.