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Sunday, October 31, 2010


The sun has now entered the much maligned tropical zodiac sign of Scorpio. This rather complex sign has three symbols just to demonstrate how complicated Scorpio can be; they are the scorpion, naturally; the serpent, and the lesser known golden eagle.

Scorpio has received a lot of bad press by those who do not know their astrology too well. Yes, sure its influence can make a person at their worst, cruel and controlling, but when these people reach the height of their best expression, WOW, the sky is the limit – thus the third symbol of the high soaring and dignified Golden Eagle.

When Elizabeth I of the Tudor Age, [who had Scorpio on the Mid-heaven] consulted her astrologer John Dee on a particularly thorning question relating to governing, he is reported to have replied

‘Soar like an Eagle, my Queen’.

Here was one dignified, resourceful and life-changing character who ruled in a ‘Golden Age’ of Britain. The Mid-heaven of a horoscope indicates the best way to interact with the world at large.

The intermediate Scorpio symbol of the Serpent alone has multiple layers of meaning. The scientific-mystical viewpoint is well discussed in Mark Balfour’s ‘The Sign of the Serpent’, where that creature represents the mysterious energy that drives the Cosmos. Sign of the Serpent: The Key to Creative Physics.

Scorpio people have a driving need to understand what makes the universe tick; a driving ambition to get to root causes and find solutions; either through modern orthodox scientific method or if they are a little less traditional, by ploughing the by-ways of ancient arcane knowledge. ‘Life, the Universe and Everything’ really does apply to this sign.

Now, as if having 3 phases of metamorphosis were not enough for our Scorpions to deal with, this sign is the first in the series of twelve to have what is known astrologically as a dual rulership. That means two not one planet is associated with the sign; Mars the ‘traditional’ ruler, and Pluto the newest ruler, allocated after its ‘discovery’ and therefore entrance into human consciousness in 1930.

Some parts of the Tropical 30* arc of Sagittarius (constellation Scorpio) actually cut across the constellation of Ophiuchus, which has been postulated as a 13th sign of the zodiac, but whose energies are yet to come into play fully for life on earth. Ophiuchus is roughly opposite the constellation Arachne, another contender for a 13th Ecliptic sign, or perhaps a 14th ?

Nebula ‘Rho Ophiuchi’

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