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Tuesday, December 21, 2021


A Yearly cycle of seasons or the ALCHEMICAL CYCLE for the Southern Hemisphere: The Pagan/Celtic New Year began at the Northern Autumnal Equinox before being changed to the Spring Equinox of the natural seasonal rhythm by some religions.  As the cycle originated in the Northern Hemisphere, the corresponding Southern months are given in brackets, but of course they correspond to the opposite seasons.


FIRST QUARTER – Libran Equinox

October/Libra [April/Aries] - the turn of the wheel, the tilt of the balance, the beginning of retreat in autumn.

November/Scorpio [May/Taurus] - bitter sweet waters corrupt and decay as winter takes hold.

December/Sagittarius [June/Gemini] - the essences are released into the substratum and dissipated as winter moves on.

SECOND QUARTER – Capricorn Solstice

January/Capricorn [July/Cancer] – life force is reabsorbed into Prime Materia and the Raven flies in the heart of winter, to be reborn.

February/Aquarius [August/Leo] - the solvent waters of life re-arouse the quintescent energies with the move towards spring allowing irrigation and internal breathing.

March/Pisces [September/Virgo] - release of the virgin milk that rekindles activity at the end of winter - swelling and nourishment - external breathing begins.

THIRD QUARTER – Aries Equinox

April/Aries [October/Libra] - bursting forth once more from the dark womb, spring comes and life runs up, the sap and the dew, the release of the breath of life.

May/Taurus [November/Scorpio]  life propels forward the shoots, a burst of blossom and colour at the exaltation of Luna - richness andwarmth returns.

June/Gemini [December/Sagittarius] - early summer activates the work of feeding, training, rapid growth and assimilation of the cosmic and earth elements.

FOURTH QUARTER – Cancer Equinox

July/Cancer [January/Capricorn] - summer reaches her peak or zenith and fullness is flowered through internal fire, which is acid.

August/Leo [February/Aquarius] - full power obtained through the addition of sweet external fire; full colour denotes health giving properties and the soul is separated from the ashes, full throbbing heart.

September/Virgo [March/Pisces] - what has been manufactured must be gathered in, preparation for storage and decay, fruit the product of the blossom, the virgin birth of the Christos in preparation, a cycle of the ‘Work’ reaches full perfection.