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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Zeus & Kronos : Jupiter & Saturn

The two time-keepers Jupiter and Saturn are in the process of forming the waxing square of their 20 year cycle, indicating a struggle between expansion and contraction; between growth and keeping a steady pace.

Jupiter – Saturn 20 year cycle, from one conjunction to the next, correlates with a base rise and fall of the global socio-economic balance. This like all cycles passes through 4 critical or choice making phases. The last quarter of the current cycle is being demonstrated in the retraction of the Chinese economic growth and the growing problems associated with mass migrations of displaced people. Both problems are making huge global impact. On the one hand, over expansion of production, on the other, severe contraction due to wars.



The waning square began late 2014 between Jupiter at the end of Leo  and a retrograde Saturn at the end of Scorpio. [November 14; July 15].



Leo is the pride of people and nations in maintaining control and prestige. Scorpio is the unseen energy behind the life force that keeps the planet turning. These two considerations were at logger heads during the initial square formation, and continue to be so for the present.

The square of Jupiter and Saturn continues till mid 2016 between Jupiter at mid Virgo and Saturn at mid Sagittarius [March-June16]. Sagittarius has much to do with international movement of people, both as tourists and as migrants/refugees. Virgo has much to do with business, commerce and trade. Both areas of concern are suffering.



After the square aspect has petered out, there will be the sextile aspect to help us find resolve and solution before beginning the next Jupiter-Saturn cycle.

The next important socio-economic marker is when Jupiter and Saturn form their next conjunction in 2020-2021, complicated by the interference of Pluto. Until then, there is more than likely to be a slow decline of our current global situation as previously reigning structures breakdown in the chaos before reinventing themselves for a new 20 year cycle.

The previous conjunction of the two great time-keepers was in the year 2000 in the sign Taurus, indicating that we had entered a 20 year period of learning to handle material wealth and property.

The coming conjunction and new cycle of Jupiter and Saturn will be in the sign Aquarius, meaning that from 2021 we will enter a 20 year period of learning more about human values on a global scale. Perhaps this will be the true beginning of the ‘Age of Aquarius’. This new 20 year cycle could be the beginning of true humanitarianism or alternatively it could mean wiping out all individuality for the “common good” of the whole, and we become a world of flat robots.

True to all natural cycles, that of Jupiter and Saturn is not that simplistic or as clear-cut as the above would indicate. Before settling into Aquarius, Jupiter and Saturn play tag between the end of Capricorn and the beginning of Aquarius throughout the year 2020, a rocking back and forth between the old guard of Capricorn and the new revolutionary thinking of Aquarius.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 12.

39,720 BCE       Start of pre-dynastic Pharonic Egypt according to the Turin Papyrus.

36,100 BCE       Start of pre-dynastic Pharonic Egypt according to Diodorus of Sicily.

30,000 BCE     Start of pre-dynastic Pharonic Egypt according to Manetho. This period covers the reigns of the demigods, the Horus pre dynastic kings.

30,000 BCE       Upper Palaeolithic period (30,000-12,000). Cave paintings exist in Southern France. Between now and about 28,500 BCE, the second great cataclysm of Atlantis occurs and which causes the continent to break into three smaller islands to be called Poseidia, Og, and Aryan.

26,000               A Great Precessional Year starts at the cusp of Aries/Pisces. It constitutes the last of the 50 cycles of Great Years counted since the beginning of the ‘Age of Man’. ‘Plato’s Year’ or the ‘Great Year’ consists of 25,920 Earth years, which is about 2,160 Earth years for the Vernal Point to travel across one constellation in reverse order of the zodiac and according to the theory of the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’ or the shift of the pole axis. The Lemurian Race is delegated to this time.

25,000              Post-glacial period begins with evidence of modern humans in Europe. However, some evidence pushes back the date of human habitation to 40,000 BCE.

23,760                The Vernal Point reaches the Aquarian cusp and the Atlantean Race rules.

c22,000             The time of the postulated cusp of the Capricorn Age. The Myth of Deucalion records the devastating waves of a great flood, whose waters are ordered back by Triton blowing his conch. The conch had been invented by Aigokeros alias Capricornus.

20,000 BCE       The HOR-SHE-SHU hold power in pre-dynastic Egypt. This name may be derived by descendency from Horus the Elder. This is about 14,000 years before Menes unifies ancient Egypt according to orthodox texts.
                    The Shemsu-Hor, known as the companions, followers or worshippers of Horus are situated between now and 16,800 BCE. They are said to reign in ancient Egypt following the time of the ‘Venerables’ of the North and are people of the ‘Falcon Clan’. Their original home was in the West Delta of Egypt, and they formed an earlier united kingdom than that which Menes will create in c3000 BCE when this ruler will unite Upper and Lower Egypt. This is the approximate time when the Vernal Point reaches the cusp of Sagittarius in the great cycle of the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’.

17,300 BCE       The ‘Age of Scorpio’ begins. It is the dark before the dawn of Libra and the turning of the wheel in the evolution of planet Earth and humans.

15,300                Age of Libra begins between now and 15,120 BCE. This is the start of the turning of the wheel of evolution on Earth and for humans. Is it the age of Venus/Eros or Divine love.

15,000 BCE       This is the time of the first known recording of lunar phases and the Summer Solstice sun is in Capricorn in the northern hemisphere. Thus Capricorn receives the name of  ‘Father of Light’. The goat, symbol of Capricorn, was sacred and exalted to this sign. The Babylonian Priests wore a sacred dress of goatskins in ritual to honor this fact.  This occurrence may be a memory of the Babylonian sea god Oannes who had a fish tail. The god Oannes came from the ‘deep’ to bring civilization to the land of Sumeria and may be equated with the god EA.  The Ancient Egyptians knew of the Southern stars.

14,000               Height of PERUVIAN EMPIRE under Inca sovereignty, it is considered an echo of the previous Toltec golden age. The language of the Incas as spoken in Mexico and Peru, was a slightly modified language of the Toltec Atlanteans. The religion of the Incas was bloodless offerings of fruit and flowers to their beneficent Deity Quetzalcoatl, until they were over-come by the more savage Aztec who worshipped the war-god Huitzilopochtli, a survival of the Turanian elemental worship of old.

13,500             THE MANU as guide to human development, directs Aryan migrants to go from the South Indian Empire to Egypt via Ceylon, here they inter-marry with the indigenous people of Toltec inheritance. The result of this inter breeding is the Aryan-Toltec mixture giving the recognised ‘ancient Egyptian’ race. A prophecy warned of a great flood to come in 4000 years time and so these people migrated by ship across the Red Sea and took refuge in the mountains of Arabia. This prophecy concerned the sinking of Poseidonis (a remaining island of the great continent of Atlantis) in about 9564 BCE. 

Inca Quetzalcoatl

Indian Vishnu



AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 11

40,000 BCE CRO-MAGNON humans are in evidence with well defined bladed tools, cave paintings, stone structures and evidence of measuring celestial activity.  This is the Homo Sapien or ‘modern human’ of the late Upper Pleistocene geological period, who may or may not have developed out of previous forms of humans. Mount Carmel, Palestine, gives evidence of the Neanderthal and the Homo Sapien existing together through most of the cultural Palaeolithic Age (old stone age).  Cro-Magnon man is a descendant of the Tlavatli Atlantean sub-race.

The reign of the DEMI-GODS beginsThese Demi-gods are comprised of three groups making up 30 dynasties of great sages who manifest form/matter according to Spiritual Law. They are to exist for 25 Sothic cycle. SAGES OF EGYPT are colonists from Atlantis during the Titanic period of evolution

THOTH/TEHUTI The Atlantean/Egyptian Thoth/Hermes, world teacher and sage of the ‘White Lodge’, comes to preach the doctrine of the Hidden Light. He will reincarnate in the future as Orpheus c7000 BCE. Tehuti founded the outer cult of the Egyptian gods and restored the inner secret Mysteries. His mission was to teach the great doctrine of the universal ‘Inner Light’ which will be later echoed in the fourth Gospel of the Hebrew Bible. This ‘Light’ is personified in the god Osiris. In the Ancient Egyptian Triad of gods, Osiris is the divine spirit, Isis the Eternal Mother and Horus, man the child. Isis governs the ‘Lesser Mysteries’ for she is the Mother of all that lives, ‘I am that which is, which hath been, and which shall be; and no man has ever lifted the veil that hides my Divinity from mortal eyes’. Her temple is at Sais and the moon is her symbol. Osiris governs the ‘Greater Mysteries’ and is the mighty Planetary Spirit. Horus is the rose and gold of eternal love. In the mysteries, other gods are personifications of divine principles and as such they are channels for particular intelligences. Ptah was the craftman of these gods. The 4 children of Horus are the 4 quarters or cardinal points that support the heavenly canopy. Hapi the ape head was the North, Tuamutef the jackel head was the East, Amset/Kestha the head of man was the south and Qebsennuf the hawk head was of the West. These 4 are the kings of the elements, and came to be known as the cherubim of Ezekiel, the 4 beasts of Revelations as well as representations of the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac or the ‘corners of the world’. They represent the great building forces of the universe and one allocation says that in ritual their powers are symbolized in corn, (Nth/Earth)  wine, (Sth/Water) oil (West/Fire) and salt (East/Air). The purpose of the ‘Lesser Mysteries’ was to educate and culture the masses, to give knowledge of this world and that one beyond the gate of ‘Death’; of man’s place in the scheme of things and therefore what was worth doing and being.

SESHAT, Lady of Letters, Mistress of the Library, is goddess and the feminine counterpart of Thoth. She wrote down with her own hand the names and deeds of the Egyptian rulers on the sacred tree in the great ‘Hall of Heliopolis’. She is accompanied by Thoth and Atum in this duty.

Thoth & Seshat, measurers of the universe

[from Lockyer]