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Saturday, June 4, 2022

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. #47.


1184 BCE

                       THE HOUSE of DARDANOS after more than 2000 years this family line is scattered following the Fall of Troy in the Trojan War. Subsequently, hero Aeneas goes to Italy with 88,000 Trojans, whilst his son Brutus leads another party to Britain where they establish the city of Trinovantium, later to become the great city of London. Brutus gives his name to a stone from which royal accessions will be traditionally proclaimed by future generations. (131)

                                Achilles the destroyer of Troy has Ursa Major and the Pleiades figured on his battle shield, indicating that these constellations are important to the reign and fall of Troy. (71)



     Achilles famous shield as described by Homer in the ‘Iliad’ 
and interpreted by Angelo Monticelli, 
an Italian neoclassical painter [1778-1837] 
From Le Costume Ancien ou Moderne, ca. 1820. 

Homer’s ‘Iliad’ Book 18, describes Achilles shield constructed by Vulcan the fire god: - 

The god Vulcan -

First, he shaped the shield so great and strong, adorning it all over and binding it round with a gleaming circuit in three layers……He made the shield in five thicknesses, and with many a wonder did his cunning hand enrich it. He wrought the earth, the heavens, and the sea; the moon also at her full and the untiring sun, with all the signs that glorify the face of heaven- the Pleiads, the Hyads, huge Orion, and the Bear, which men also call the Wain and which turns round ever in one place, facing Orion, and alone never dips into the stream of Oceanus. He wrought also two cities, fair to see and busy with the hum of men. In the one were weddings and wedding-feasts. …..[in the other war]….. He wrought also a fair fallow field, large and thrice ploughed already….. He wrought also a field of harvest corn…. He wrought also a vineyard…. He wrought also a herd of homed cattle…. The god wrought also a pasture in a fair mountain dell…… All round the outermost rim of the shield he set the mighty stream of the river Oceanus. 

Warriors of Troy

                     The star Electra, or Alcor of the constellation Ursa Major, (also called the Fox Star) is known as the mother of the House of Dardanos. (3000 BCE). The star Electra, mother of the Dardanus is saddened when she witnesses the fall of Ilion, and so leaves her station among the Pleiades to become the ‘Fox Star’ or Alcor of Ursa Major. According to Babylonian legend this star, known to them as Era, was powerful among the gods and took its place at the beam of the wagon of Ursa Major. Alcor is associated with the Babylonian planetary god Nergal or Mars. The Sumerian story of ‘Utnapishtim’, records that Nergal/Mars/Alcor is responsible for the first great world flood. Thus, the legends read that when Electra/Era frees herself from the yoke of Ursa Major or from the Pleiades group in the time of the fall of Ilion/Troy, in 1185 BCE, there will come the end of a world-age, presumably the Pleiadic age. (71)


                      After the fall of Troy, Aeneas takes the Palladium, a sacred and protective talisman of Athene, to Rome where a new civilization is established. When Constantine later comes to power [312 CE] he will take the Palladium out of Rome and bury it in his new eastern capital of Constantinople which used to be called Byzantium. (295)


                       Other authors [133] place the Trojan War at c1111 BCE based on archaeological evidence of Troy VIIa. The first settlement of this site was c3300 BCE.