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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius


Right at the time of our December Solstice when the Sun and planet Mercury align with the Galatic Centre before moving into the sign of Capricorn, another great celestial event is taking place.


The Great Mutation Cycle of 2020-1 in Aquarius

beginning an Air cycle of approximately 240 years

December 2020 through January 2021 marks a major social, cultural and political adjustment for us all, according to the astrological cycles of the planets Jupiter and Saturn.


Astrological cycles can only ever be estimated on an average due to the fact that there are small cosmic variations influencing the length of these cycles and these variations may not be a constant or we may not as yet be aware of some of them, in spite of our long years of observation.


Approximately every 20 years the planets Jupiter and Saturn meet in the sky. Each meeting, called a conjunction, is seen against a background of stars which we have called a constellation. In front of this constellation is the imaginary zodiac sign with which we are all familiar, the circle of zodiac signs being the 12 equal divisions of the solar path as viewed from Earth.


These 20 year conjunctions of the time keepers Jupiter and Saturn occur in a series of meetings according to one element. An ‘element’ is the designated quality of a zodiac sign. Thus 12 zodiac signs can be divided up into groups of 4 according to the philosophical elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.


We are at present exiting from a cycle of these conjunctions in the Earth element, and entering into a cycle of the Air element. This is why the news has been so full of this astrological and cosmic phenomena at the present time. 


The movement or cycle of Jupiter conjunct Saturn through one element takes approximately 240 years, which includes a transition period where there is overlap between elements.

A complete cycle through 4 elements takes between 860 and 960 years, according to which astrologer you are listening to. 


As you can see, the full cycle takes the best part of 1000 years. A lot can happen in 1000 years and much change to our living and development noted by those who observe history.


The last Jupiter conjunction with Saturn in an Air sign occurred in 1981, although this was an aberration and the conjunction returned to the Earth element in 2000 correlating with an interesting economic cycle.


December 2020 through January 2021 marks the settling of the Jupiter conjunction with Saturn in the Air element for the next 240 years. Thus, we are looking at the sort of social, cultural and political changes not seen for approximately 900-1000 years. 


This new conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the Air element is an indication that gradually we will have to lift our game from total materialistic and monetary views of the Earth element, to living a life focused more on human or people centred living. However, the big warning is to not allow this new concept to become complete control and dictation of how we live as a group; how we all live according to one set of rules. We can see such circumstances creeping in now in accord with the awakening of the Aquarian Age, as monitoring and observation of personal activity increases, and individual rights and expression is eroded for the ‘good of the all’.

Mars the Red Planet

 The zodiac circle that astrologers see encompassing us and the planet earth is made of 360 degrees divided into the familiar 12 zodiac signs.


The ideas and thoughts given on the astrological degrees of this circle present potent and pertinent reflections upon life which can help us deal with the circumstances in question.


The middle of November 2020 is one such highlighted instance, as at this time the planet Mars goes stationary direct on a certain degree of the astrological sign Aries; that is 15-16th degrees of the astrological sign Aries. Following this apparent change of motion, Mars will stimulate the current world situation over the coming months as we wend our way towards the New Year out-come of the strong world changes that we have been experiencing.


Mars is primarily the planet of war, the war of the ego to fulfil itself, to fight for its individual rights without thinking of the outcome or the rights of the other party. So, this time of November indicates one in which we need to counteract these fierce drives and look for ways in which everyone can accomplish and move towards what they want without unnecessarily destroying all around.


The middle of November brings an influence that if utilised positively will help us to modify the out- come of the changes that have been happening in our world, whether personal or in the bigger picture of global humanity. Here are some important ideas for reflection taken from the


‘Sabian Mysteries’, [2014] by James Burgess. A commentary on the work of Dr Marc Edmund Jones, astrologer and philosopher.



To be aware of ourselves and our surroundings, how well are we responding to the call of nature and our fellow beings. How does one balance the need to be true to the self and yet aim to make a difference? How does one balance outer purpose with inner feeling and live out the resultant friction. 

The call is to learn to value retreat, to take time out to review and assimilate what is being experienced. Learn to broaden one’s outlook, encourage self-assurance, take an overview and imagine the best. Helping others as we strive for ourselves is the source of happiness.

We must act as though we make a difference, even if knowing that we have not. And dance like nature spirits in the glory of the warm dying light of what has been, knowing that it cannot continue in its old ways and that there is invisible help at hand. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Halloween brings us a Full Moon in Taurus. Here the Moon stands with the radical planet Uranus - you know, the one that spins on its side just to be different!! Unfortunately the radical Uranus does not sit too well in the grounded and rather stubborn or determined Earth sign of Taurus. So there could well be fireworks and explosions and unexpected earth movements! This is a witchery time with spades. Have fun and try not to scare too many people. Be prepared for things to get cancelled

For those people looking elsewhere for amusement, this is the time to try out radical new music shows or other unusual creative activities, but don't over-strain your voice. Soften that tenacious grip on something with the attitude that you too can reform, let go, and not mind moving away from an over focus on material stuff. Some people will be making extra effort to breakaway from the bind of material considerations and duties - take it slow and easy rather than explode in a fit of temper if you don't want the situation to get even worse. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 39.

 The FIFTEENTH CENTURY BCE (1499-1400) is the century of the Royal Egyptian family of Tuthmosis, those born in truth of the great god Thoth. Their name can be spelt in various ways, changing down the years as experts experience increased, and the ancient language became better under stood. Variations on the name are Thothmes, Tuthmosis, Thuthmosis, Thutmos.

Tuthmosis Chariot

1492                        TUTHMOSIS II son and heir to Tuthmosis I and Mutnofret. Tuthmosis II died in 1479 after nearly 14 years on the throne. Tuthmosis II and his royal concubine Isis, gave birth to a son destined to become Tuthmosis III. (100. 175)

                                   The father of this pharaoh, TUTHMOSIS I succeeded to the Egyptian throne after marrying Ahmes. From their union is born Hatshepsut. Tuthmosis I is a prince of Thebes and worshipper of Amon. He initiated an era of renewed temple building by increasing the size of the temple of Karnak and adding a place of worship for Montu, god of war. At the time this was the only Amon temple of any importance in Thebes. (80. 49.)

                        The first appearance of a collection of funeral texts called the ‘Book of What is in the Underworld’ (Am Dwat) is found on the walls of the burial chamber of Tuthmosis I, ancestor of the future rebel king Akhenaten. Tuthmosis I inaugurated the tradition of burial in the Valley of the Kings, and the mortuary temple now became separated from the tomb. (175)


1479            HATSHEPSUT daughter of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose/Ahmes was suckled by the wet nurse Inet also known as Sitre. To her brother Tuthmosis II, Hatshepsut has a daughter, Neferure. Hatshepsut is sometimes depicted as male and sometimes as female in form thus reflecting the polarities of life upon which Egyptian philosophy is based. As a female king/pharaoh one of her titles was ‘God’s Wife’ and as such she participated in or led temple rituals.  In the second or third year of her co-regency, Hatshepsut had herself crowned as king taking the titular: Maatkare (‘Maat is the ka of Ra’), Khnemet-Ameun-Hatshepsut (‘She who embraces Amun, the foremost of women’) Before the establishment of the ‘Valley of the Queens’, Hatchepsut’s tomb is located in a lonely and inaccessible ravine, high up in the face of the cliff, facing west and overlooking the Nile Valley. From this position, the autumn October sun threw its last beams right into the mouth of her tomb. (9) (108) (175) Hatshepsut is the proposed pharaoh’s daughter who rescued and raised the infant Moses (60). However, there is much confusion and debate over the possible dates of Moses and this is only one possibility. 

Pharaoh Hatshepsut

1458                        THUTMOSIS III is known as one of the greatest pharaohs of the Egyptian New Kingdom and of its 18th Dynasty. As step son of Hatshepsut, Tuthmosis is co-ruler with her, of the Egyptian Empire, until her death. Tuthmosis will take the throne in his own right from about 1458 and will reign for 33 years.  He continues the development of temple architecture at Luxor, the location of the great Temple of Karnak and centre of the god Amun-Ra (or Amen-Re) This temple is the location of a king list recording 61 names. (49. 100. 175)

                                    Tuthmosis III established an Egyptian Mystery School, which was to be the starting point of the future Brotherhood of the ‘Order of the Rosy Cross’. These ancient teachings, will be furthered by Pythagoras, Plato and their successors. The ascetic Egyptian Therapeutate will take the knowledge into Judaea, settling in Qumran in the days before Jesus.  (131)

                                    In the burial chambers of Thuthmosis III and the future Amenophis II, at Thebes, there are painted on the walls the hieroglyphs of ‘The Book of What is in the Dwat’. This book is displayed as though a huge papyrus has been unrolled around the walls, and tells of the nightly journey of the Great God Re through the regions of the twelve hours of the night. This is the nocturnal journey of genesis or metamorphosis taking place before the rebirth of the Sun god. (067) It seems to be an alchemical story of the transmutation of matter into higher consciousness, a cycle that takes place at regular intervals, for human and for cosmos.

Pharaoh Tuthmosis III

Saturday, April 18, 2020

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 38

c1500 BCE           ENUMA ELISH – records the Sumerian-Babylonian doctrine of the world ages whose timing is based on the precession of the Equinoxes through the zodiac constellations. (31.) This recording on 7 tablets is in Akkadian. Enuma Elish may be translated as ‘When on High’ and it also documents the struggle of imposing cosmic order on chaos in the act of creation which is known as the discipline of Cosmogony. This text is recited on the fourth day of the New Year in the remembrance of the beginning of time. That beginning is marked by the birth of the gods who spring from the primordial Apsu, and the subsequent battle of Marduke with Tiamat, which results in the creation of the world. (192) 

Markuk and the monster Tiamat

                 Around this time, Aryan migration (thought to be the ancestors of the Indo-European race) reaches North India via the Iranian Plateaux.   These people spoke an archaic form of Sanskrit. Knowledge of the Aryan race comes from the Indian literature called the ‘Veda’. Aryan worship is based on the principle of fire and probably in turn will form the basis of the later Mithraism of the Persians. Ordinary fire is taken as a symbol of the more subtle, invisible Cosmic Fire. 

                    The tight family structure and social classing of the Iranian Aryans will become the class system of India. The original Theocratic three divisional structure of Aryan society is the warrior nobility, the priesthood, and the working common people. The latter dealt with the material affairs of everyday life. (40. 102)

Persian sculpture

                   Between 1500 and 600 BCE there is a mass migration of Indo European and Semitic people infiltrating already settled lands of the Eurasian land mass. The invaders are Indo-Europeans originating in the steppes of Eurasia and the Semitic people from around the areas of Arabia and North Africa. The Indo-European group brought refinements and invention to the existing cultures. Meanwhile the civilizations of China in the east and the Chavin and Olmecs of South America in the west continue to flourish. (96)

                                   Avalokitesvara of India 

                           Kwan-yin of China

                  The Indo-European section of the migrating peoples, known as the Mycenaeans, replace the ancient Minoans in the Aegean. The section known as the Latins replace the ancient Etruscans on the Italian Peninsula. The Indo-European section settled the west and north of Europe became known as the Celts, Germans, Balts, Slavs etc. (96)

Celtic dancing sorcerer

It is thus seen that in the latter half of the second millennium BCE there are to be extensive movement and migration of people’s around the world. Masses of peoples moving across the sea and its coast-lands, displacing or merging with the older populations. These migrations ended such civilizations as the Minoans of Crete, and contributed to the historical populations of Greece and Italy. Such migrations wiped out the Hittite Empire, thrust the Philistines into Canaan and washed up on the shores of Egypt. (192)


Saturday, March 7, 2020


Venus and Mars by Sandro Botticelli c1485

Equinox time of balance and harmony; making friends or disputation.

March is a tricky month, and for this reason we should all be careful and thoughtful as to what decisions we make, for they will be long term and difficult to change once set in motion. The reason for this is that the current gathering of planets in the sign of Capricorn will reach a peak of influence. This peak is indicated as Jupiter, Pluto and then Saturn are joined and activated by Mars. [See postings of December 2018]

Mars from the 15th century manuscript ‘Epistle of Othea’, by Christine de Pisan

St George conquers the Dragon 2010 by author     


PLUTO has been moving through Capricorn since 2008 to disrupt social, political, economic and geological long held concepts and concerns.
SATURN moved into the sign of Capricorn in 2017 to meet up with Pluto through the end of 2019 and into the beginning of 2020.
JUPITER entered the sign of Capricorn in December 2019 and will proceed to meet up with Pluto and Saturn through the year 2020.

And all these three big planets will be activated by Mars meeting and passing over them from mid-March through April. Probably the Equinox point of the 20-21st of March will be accented in this regard and mark the global rhythm for the following quarter of the year.

The MARCH EQUINOX always marks a new start for the solar cycle as the sun moves into the sign of Aries.  Whether you are on the north or south of the planet, either people move into autumn or people move into spring. This as we all know affects the agricultural cycle, the weather and therefore human physical activity. Less commonly known is the larger cosmic cycle that is influenced by the sun passing this point of Equilibrium. 

Ram of Aries

There are two points of Equilibrium during the year, they are the Equinoxes of March and of September. These are times when we need to assess the balance of life, the pluses and minuses of our outer living, and of our inner thoughts which motivate how we outwardly tackle life.

Around the 20th March is one of two points of Equilibrium during the sun-earth complete cycle of 365 solar days. This year it could a greater turning point than usual for the many of us who are dealing with problems, both big and small.  There are many with major problems and our decisions during this period are critical in a way that the results will go far into the future. It is probably not a good time for starting anything radically new or any new way of living because the difficulties of this time will be inherent in that decision making and therefore influence how matters will run for a long time to come. On the other side of the coin we may find ourselves in a position of having to consciously and willingly adapt to what is demand of us by circumstance.

To make the most of this period base your decisions on the acceptance of working hard and of self-discipline rather than stubborn adherence to old ways just for the sake of it. Be focused and courageous not fearful; be organised and efficient yourself rather than looking for other people to dump on and criticize for things not getting done. 

Look at yourself and your life and question your approach to our great problems of too much of everything, or being too focused on the material and practical life with no thought of the more subtle intangible aspects of living and being, such as love and caring for others, such as looking at the spiritual aspect of anything under consideration rather than just for its worth in monetary terms.

Don’t climb too high or be too ambitious – it is bound to be followed by a fall! Show strength of will rather than being bent on having too much authority over others, be it family, community or company. At the same time show respect for the elders and those in charge, without unfairly capitulating to any unreasonable demands. Give honour where honour is due and service to those in need. 

This is a time of being self-sufficient, self-reliant, taking our responsibilities where they fall and seizing opportunities that hold promise, but with caution and an eye to the long-term outcome. Probably we might have to wait till early 2021 to see what this outcome might be. In the mean-time, strive to balance the economy of life on all levels of experience, and wait for the air to clear and the struggles to dissipate, knowing that you are working in harmony with cosmic demands and needs, for we are but part of the greater system and cycle of stars and planets. Give honour to the dance of Shiva.