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Monday, October 31, 2022

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. #49.

                     ELEVENTH CENTURY BC (1099-1000)

                     During this century is found the first mention of Tibet by the Chinese.


1099                KING WU (1099-1055) son of King Wen of China, creates the ‘Later Heaven Ba gua’, a symbolic diagram to represent the manifestation of spirit in Nature. It is the natural progression from Fu Xi’s ‘Early Heaven Ba gua’ of c2890 BCE. This Ba gua simulates the movement of Qi and its effect in nature. [120]

Mother Goddess Kwan Yin

1063               Estimated total eclipse over Thebes in ancient Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period. (240. 241) Note that at around the time of the creation of both the Chinese Ba gua, and the land of IS-RA-EL, there occurred total eclipses over Egypt.


c1020 BCE      SAUL founding king of the Hebrew monarchy in Israel. Saul, as son of Kish, was anointed by the prophet Samuel. Saul is leader of the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin and his leadership unites all the Hebrew tribes to form the one kingdom of IS-RA-EL, located in Palestine. Saul will eventually be killed in a battle against the Philistines. (102)

                       The name Palestine is derived from the name of the invading Philistines who came from Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean Sea. (038) Are these invaders therefore of Cretan Minoan and Greek heritage?

1000 BCE        Babylonian Cuneiform texts [1000-500 BCE] record Sirius as KAK.SI.DI - the ‘arrow star’. In Sumerian and ancient Chinese cultures, Sirius was part of a Bow and Arrow constellation. In Western culture Sirius is located as part of cCanis Major. (47)

David slays Goliath. By Michelangelo.

c1000 BCE      DAVID of the Hebrew tribe of Judah, crushes the Philistines and re-unites the Israelite tribes to re-establish an empire of Israel based in Jerusalem, a fortress city formerly inhabited by the Jebusites. By this act the throne and rightful heritance of the tribe of Benjamin falls to the tribe of Judah. Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is made the home of the ark containing ‘The Law’. (7)

                       Palestine, as the Kingdom of the Jews, reaches its height under the rulers David and Solomon. Jesse, father of David, may be the root of the vine of the Merovingian dynasty.  Isaiah, in 750 BCE, will prophesy a new ‘Davidic’ line from another branch of the Jesse tree, not that of David. According the Barbara Thiering (220)the Essenes were referred to as ‘the Vineyard’.

                       David’s possibly symbolic life can be divided into four parts. The first part lived as a shepherd at Bethlehem. The second part lived as a fugitive at the court of King Saul. The third part lived as King over Judah at Hebron. The fourth part lived as King of Israel. (248) David was born in Bethlehem where Jesus will be born in 1000 years’ time. David is the Shepherd King who slew the giant Goliath. (337)


                       Around this time, the ‘New Kingdom’ of Egypt falls, and Kush emerges as an independent state with a capital called Napata, which is near the 4th cataract of the river Nile.

                       During the reigns of Ammon, Sesac, Orus, Memmon, Egyptian astronomical observations are used for navigation, for determining the length of the solar year [by heliacal risings and settings of stars], for fixing of the solstice points, for grouping fixed stars into asterisms. The Sidereal zodiac of the constellations becomes set and the four cardinal points are marked out by the fiducial stars, that is, Alcyone of the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Regulus and Arcturus/Spica. The sidereal zodiac is divided into 30° divisions and known as the Hypsomatic and Egypto-Babylonian zodiac. (30)

At this time, the star Sirius rises heliacally at Heliopolis the site of an Egyptian GWB mystery school. This date is also the official timing of the writing of the Hindu ‘Rig Veda’. (226)

Goddess Gayatri