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Monday, December 1, 2014

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 6.

5 million           
years ago          RMOAHAL: the first of 7 sub-races of the 4th Root Race of human beings called the
                            Atlanteans. This race comes into being between 5 and 4 million years BCE. They are mahogany giants of 10-12 feet high who do battle with the out-going Lemurian race.

                            Large portions of the southern continent of Lemuria still exist and the continent of Atlantis is still coming into shape. The land is hot and moist, covered with reedy swamps and dank forests and inhabited by huge antediluvian animals.

                            The Rmoahal, grouped with the next two sub-races the Tlavatli and Toltecs, are nominated the ‘red races’. The Rmoahal’s are not developed sufficiently to produce their own initiated adepts so the Manu and other Divine rulers come from another system of worlds to govern and guide their development. Descendants of the Rmoahals are seen in Bretons of northern France (Brittany) and the Lapps of Nordic Lands.

                     MANUS: this term refers to exalted Beings who superintend the formation and education of each Root Race. The seed Manu selects and segregates picked specimens, plans and guides the improvement in type, which each successive Root Race inaugurates. It is called the Root Manu when incarnating among a new race as a leader and teacher to direct their development.

                            In the 2nd phase of earth’s evolution or the Atlantean Epoch, the forebears of humanity lived on a continent that now forms the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. These forebears had astral form and perceived their world via internal coloured images or feelings, rather than by sight. At the end of the Atlantean epoch, (c850,000 BCE) this astral vision or clairvoyance will still exist. In early times external spatial limitations had not yet taken hold because of the mist filled atmosphere on earth. The atmosphere of the world at this time was saturated with water vapour, making visibility of the sun and night sky limited.

                            This is the time of the Biblical Nifilheim who lived in the mists of the water vapour atmosphere which covered Earth and Atlantis, and they perceived their environment clairvoyantly or astrally. Eventually the mists covering the Earth will condense into water to create a Universal Flood or Deluge.

4.5 million           
years ago              The great circles of the Ecliptic and the Equator of planet Earth lie on the same plane around this time. The North Pole is with Capricorn and the South Pole is with Cancer, the two constellations that mark the gates of the soul for coming in and going out of manifestation in the material world.

                            The Ancient Egyptian monument commemorating this phenomena is the combined constellation of the Lion and the Virgin. The Lion stands on the Hydra with his tail turned down.

                            Later representations are of a Lion with tail over his back and ending with a Serpent’s head, indicating the inversion of the Zodiac constellations and poles. There are 3 Virgins between the Lion and the Scales in the zodiac.  In a later circular zodiac, the Lion is standing on the Serpent.

                            At the end of the Tertiary Era the Earth’s north magnetic pole had been drawn several degrees to the east of the point of safety and this ended in a magnetic cataclysm, the last on planet Earth, and which will bring about a final Magnetic re balance. This cataclysm caused great shifts of ice and water to wipe out all life and is the Biblical flood according to Churchward.

4 million              
years ago              Australopithecus, thought to be the oldest ancestor of man, from between 4 and 2 million BCE is found in Australia, South Africa, Ethiopia and Israel.

Denderah zodiac showing the two lions

The question is asked, ‘will the next conjunction of planets Jupiter and Saturn at one degree Aquarius in December 2020 definitely inaugurate the ‘Age of Aquarius’? The coming together of these two large planets every twenty years marks a change in the socio-economic structure of civilizations. Their next meeting takes place in the sign of Aquarius and therefore correlates with the new 2000 year ‘Age of Aquarius’.  Will we then turn our backs on the rampant materialism of western society and increase our humanitarian concerns in accordance with the ruler Uranus? Or will we take a backward step into over regulation of too many rules and hard task masters due to not learning the lessons of the traditional ruler Saturn?

Monday, November 10, 2014

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 5.

65 million
years ago

38 million
years ago

22 million
years ago

18 million
years ago

15 million
years ago

10 million
years ago

8 million
years ago

The Cenozoic is the present geological Epoch. Knowledge of this past is now becoming easier to acquire in the 20th and 21st centuries, with such added information the past of humans becomes subject to greater complexity and therefore categorizing increases. The great period of the Cenozoic Epoch is therefore sub-divided into 2 eras, the Tertiary and Quaternary, which are in turn divided into ages or sub-periods.

During the Cenozoic Epoch there is the rise of mammals, insects and flowering plants, whilst the dinosaurs become extinct. Continental drift brings land-masses to their present day form.

TERTIARY or Cenolithic Era, is comprised of 6 sub-periods or ages called Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene. The last age also beginning the following Quaternary Era.
Hominids will appear towards end of this Tertiary Era, circa 10-8 million years BCE.
The stage of evolution from animal to human, is represented by the Vernal Point crossing the constellation of Sagittarius represented in the stars by the form of an archer mounted on a horse and signifying the opening up to greater possibilities.
The lung centers of the evolving human form are of a gill-like structure to cope with the water-laden atmosphere of this pre-Atlantean Period of history. This may be the source of sea-god mythology recorded in many traditions and of the even later ‘Fisher King’ mythology.

Paleocene-Eocene Ages: In these first two ages of the Tertiary Era, there is movement of the great land-masses into what is to eventually be Greenland and Scandinavia, and the formation of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The Asian land mass closes off Tethys’ Sea at the east end. and the thermal structure of the oceans stabilizes.
During the Eocene Age, an asteroid hits planet Earth causing the extinction of the dinosaurs and depositing a layer of Iridium over the whole globe. Iridium will be discovered in 1803 CE and given the name of the rainbow goddess Iris. The atomic number of Iridium will be discovered to be 77, reflecting the number of the colours in the rainbow.

Oligocene Age: In this third age of the Tertiary Era of Earth evolution, the Eurasian land-mass unifies and the circum-global ocean current systems becomes established. There is the appearance of the first primates on earth.

Miocene Age: In this the fourth age of the Tertiary Era is the appearance of primitive apes in east Africa, which will again disappear by about 15 million years BCE, except for two species, Keyapithecus africanus and Kenyapithecus wickeri. From this point in time, apes radiate out over the rest of the world. [

SANAT KUMARA/MELCHISIDEC, also called ‘The Ancient of Days’, begins to express itself.  This is the middle of the watery Lemurian epoch. As the Planetary Logos of Earth, Melchisidec is Lord of this World.  ‘Adi-Sanat’ is the First or ‘Primeval Ancient’, identified with the Kabalistic ‘Ancient of Days’. From this Being emanates the mystic Essence, ‘Svabhavat’, which in turn manifests as Numbers, and in Kabalistic terms is called the ‘Archetypal World’.

Equatorius africanus, an early ape, is living in the Tugen Hills of north central Kenya, in Africa. It will be found to be a link between the early ape and what will become the modern ape.

Pliocene Age: During this fifth age of the Tertiary Era, the first hominids (human-like creatures) appear in Africa. In late Lemurian times, when the human species can be identified as such, the seed of Christ-hood or the ‘Christos’ is planted within humankind. Thus arose the first truly human race where the mind aspect began to emerge and the duality of mankind became a fact. This occurrence correlates with the number of constellations increasing from 8 to 10 and those groupings of stars known as Virgo and Leo become active and are added to the former 8 signs of Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus and Aries. During these Lemurian times, Capricorn marked the end of the zodiac wheel. The signs of Aquarius and Pisces will not become active parts of the circle of zodiac constellations until the Atlantean period of evolution draws nigh.

BEN-ELOHIM or the Promethean Spirits descend as part of the evolution of human consciousness. These spirits give to humans the fiery spark of self-consciousness thus enabling them to develop self-determination and to therefore have a moral responsibility for their actions.

PTAH or PROMETHEUS is one such god or spirit of fire as recorded in mythology. He is one of the four sons of the Titan god Iapetus and known as the Egyptian and Greek god of fire, suggesting a race memory of this time and of the descent of spirit to create the first hu-man. In the future, Prometheus will join the ranks of the younger Olympian gods when it looks like they will win power, but he will take his revenge on the Olympian’s take-over by favouring mortals with the gift of spiritual fire. Legend makes Prometheus the creator of mankind and is popularly interpreted as the giver of material rather than spiritual fire to early man.

In the words of the future Greek philosopher Olympiodorus, the TITANS are ‘wand or thyrsus-bearers; and one of their number, Prometheus concealed fire in a reed, by which we may understand either that he draws down celestial light into generation, or leads the soul into the physical body, or calls forth divine illumination, the whole of which indicates that the ungenerated are becoming the generated. Hence Socrates Orphically calls them the multitude, thyrsus-bearers, because they live Titanically. The narthex (wand or thrysus) is a symbol of material and partible fabrication because it has as it were a false form, for it is wood and not wood. More rightly is it so called on account of its sundered continuity, whence it is likewise a Titanic plant. For they hold it before Dionysus (Bacchus) instead of his paternal scepter, and through this they call him into a partible nature’.

Proposed date for earliest true hominids arising from apelike stock. Called Australopithecus, 3 species are identified, with a possible fourth. They are found in Africa. Early human species Homo are supposed to have arisen from this stock.
The Fourth Root Race of humans begins to evolve in solid bodies and are referred to as the Atlanteans. They appear on planet Earth towards the end of this Tertiary Era.

The Cosmic Potter and bringer of Fire

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 4.

230 million
years ago

200 million

years ago

140 million
years ago

 200 million
years ago


 140 million
years ago

The third geological epoch of Earth’s development comprises of 3 geological eras or sub-periods, the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, during which time there occurred a gradual break-up of the single vast continent of Pangaea.

The Triassic Age brings about the appearance of reptiles and mammals on Earth.
The Third Root Race of humans is now apparent and occupying semi-solid bodies. They are called the Lemurians. The Lemurians appear on Earth at the same time that the first group of the Lunar Pitris begins to return to incarnation. (74)
During the Lemurian Epoch, those stragglers whose vibrationary rate could not keep up with Earth evolution were expelled, with the Moon, to become Earth’s satellite. Eventually these beings will leave the solar system via Saturn, to return to the Chaos or space, of the un-manifest. (132) Within this third evolutionary cycle, the previous  androgynous beings become separated into two sexes. It is the Biblical period of the primal man’s fall to become dualistic as Adam and Eve. The next cycle will be that of the Atlantian or Fourth Root Race c5 million BCE. (289)

ADAM: the first hu-man. ‘Hu-man’ means enlightened man as collective humanity and is not referring to a single sex male. 
The Egyptian term ‘Hu-shu’ refers to ‘mind that has received the arrow of love-light from the heart’; the uniting of head and heart knowledge to produce wisdom. This enlightened intellect of man is symbolized in the ‘All Seeing Eye’ of God who sends forth a thought form which has been designated ‘Shu’ or the Holy Ghost. This thought form in turn illuminated that ‘Eye’ and the whole process is personified as Re (or Ra) by the ancient Egyptians. It is their sun god. (48) The development of this objective consciousness is indicated by the Hebrew term ‘Adam’ who in turn has to name everything he sees and meets in order to bring it into manifestation. The ‘Hu-shu’ could well be the ‘Hor she shu’, the initiating race of the future first historical Egyptian Dynasties.

As recorded by the ancient Egyptians, ‘Hu’ and ‘Sia’ were attributes of the sun god RA. ‘Sia’ is cognitive reception, or the perception of an idea, and ‘Hu’ is the authoritative utterance, which creates something new. (185) Thus the ‘hu-man’ acquires the potential god like qualities that allows him/her to create.
In Africa, in Dahomey and Togo, there are tribes belonging to the Fon language-group, where the word ‘vodû’ (voodoo) means a god, spirit or sacred object. The servants of the divinity are ‘hunsis’, from the Fon word ‘hu’ meaning ‘a divinity’, and ‘si’ meaning ‘a spouse’. A priest is an ‘hungan’ or master of the god. (217 ) If ‘hu’ means ‘divinity’ and ‘gan’ means ‘garden’ or an enclosed space, then we have a member of the god’s house or garden, symbol of Divine ‘space’.

Adam, as the first hu-man, is the ‘Shepherd of the Mind’ or the good spirit AGATHODIAMON. This good spirit is also the first in a series of three Thoths or as the Greeks called him, Hermes, from ‘Hr-ms’ meaning Horus-is-born. (109)  Thus the basis from which the future Greek, ‘Thrice Greatest Hermes’ will be born. Agathodiamon is the antediluvian Thoth/Hermes who is to reign in the age of Divine kings and demi-gods prior to the final Atlantic flood of 9000 BCE. This first Thoth (and his priesthood) or Adam, is the original holder of ancient traditional wisdom. This wisdom will eventually be preserved in a sacred language and symbol marked on the stone monuments of the Seriadic Land or the Land of Sirius. (85) Perhaps some of this knowledge can be found in the Temple of Neith, the Great Mother Goddess of Egypt.

Mythology says that the first ‘Book of Wisdom’ (the basis of the future Kabala) was given to Adam either, whilst he was in paradise, or to console and help him following his expulsion from the ‘Garden of Eden’, that is, when humanity experienced the ‘fall’ out of the etheric world into the physical world and split into two sexes.
This ‘Book of Wisdom’ was given to Adam by the Archangel Raziel (Raphael) and it contained the secrets of nature by which knowledge Adam was able to enter into conversation with the Sun and Moon. (22) The Sun and Moon of course symbolizing the two great polarities of the Cosmos or God. Adam and Eve symbolise the same cosmic polarity stepped-
down and found within the human form. Most of this knowledge will be recorded later in the Orphite Gnostic texts of the future, such as that of Valentinus in the second century CE. The ‘Book of Wisdom’ will in the future be referred to as the ‘Book of Enoch’ or the ‘Book of Thoth’, the latter known alternatively as the ‘Hermetica’.

The Polarities of Adam and Eve will mingle to produce 3 offspring:


Thus we have symbolized the 2 cosmic polarities producing the 3 alchemical principles. Cain, Abel and Seth symbolize respectively the earthly, the psychic and the spiritual levels of being and they prefigure the 3 human races. (122 p.32). These 3 levels of expression or experience have their parallel of analogy in the solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter. The forth off-spring of Adam and Eve is Norea the higher spiritual component of creation and humanity.

The ‘Christ’ principle, or the pure ‘Virgin Spirit of Life’, is the ‘Lamb’ or innocence, slain at the beginning of the manifest world. This same psychic spirit was then also in Abel, to be slain or made a sacrifice to the physical Cain. Again, this same spirit will be in the body of the future ‘Jesus’ who will be ‘nailed on the cross’ of matter in order to ‘give up the ghost’, that is the breath or spirit of life, (157) as a demonstration to humanity of what is possible. Put another way, the psychic body of Abel is sacrificed to the earth body of Cain as ‘man’ descends deeper into the cross of matter, but into which will eventually come the pure spirit of Seth, third born to Adam and Eve.

ADAM and EVE produced CAIN who in his turn will father ENOCH, the second, and Egyptian, Thoth. Enoch will father Methuselah (or Tat, son of Thoth) who in turn will father Lamech, who will father Noah, the precursor of the Atlantian or 4th Root Race of the future.

ADAM and EVE produced SETH and as their third offspring he symbolises the one who is endowed with the spiritual seed. Having this spiritual seed means that the first of the ‘Perfect Race’ can be produced and reproduce. Seth is the prophet of Sethian sect of Gnosticism or wisdom knowledge. (122) Seth and his sons will be called ‘Allogenes’ and their wisdom will be recorded in the words of the text, ‘Apocalypse of Allogenes’, a book of wisdom. This text will serve the future Gnostic groups of around 0 BCE/CE. (122)

‘Genesis’ of the Hebraic Old Testament, tells the story of a family that in time will become a race comprised of various tribes; a race that in time will become the Hebrew nation. Adam, as the ‘first hu-man’ is the progenitor of this coming race, the future Hebrews and the later tribes of Israel. Of this family, Joseph and Moses will play future important roles in the evolution of man-kind. (131)

Adam - Eve manifesting

Jurassic Age. There exists on earth two super continents at this time, separated by a vast shallow sea called Tethys. This land will become the Mediterranean Sea and what will become known as the Middle East. (74)
A second surge in oxygen levels during the mid-Jurassic period correlates with the reappearance of giant insects. This second surge of oxygen also increases the density of the air and will continue on through the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods to follow. It is attributed to be the cause for a spark in the evolution of flying vertebrates, the flying dinosaurs who will become birds and bats. (112)

Cretaceous Age. The sea inundates the land at this time and dinosaurs become extinct by end of this period. This possibly corresponds to the first of a series of ‘Deluges’ experienced on planet earth and which have for their purpose the furtherance of evolution.

Monday, October 6, 2014

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 3.

5 Billion
years ago       



600 Million     





c300 million   





Science designates this as the approximate time that Earth came into existence. Its
subsequent early development is marked by:-

4 major Geological Epochs:- Pre-Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.
4 continental masses will succeed each other:- Lemuria, Atlantis, Africa, and Europe.
4 glacial migrations will spread the population around the globe.
4 major races of man will succeed each other in domination.

The earliest geological epoch of earth development is divided into 3 Eras or sub-periods called Azoic, Archeozoic, Proterozoic. During this immensely long period of time the formation of the ancient rock strata took place. The rocks are mainly iron bearing and within them micro organisms became fossilized.

The second great geological epoch of Earth’s development comprises of 6 Eras or sub-periods:- Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian.

From this epoch come abundant fossil records of ancient invertebrate marine life. It is a time when there was a laying down of coal, petroleum and building stone. Land masses are comprised of a vast southern continent, called Gondwanaland, which may be the fabled Lemuria. Towards the end of this epoch, a northern land mass known as Laurasia comes into existence and which will later become known as North America, Europe and Siberia. These two land-masses, Gondwanaland and Laurasia, will join together to eventually to become one vast continent called Pangaea. (102)

The 7 Great ‘Days’ of Creation, recorded by the Hebrew Bible, are reflected in the Theosophical evolutionary cycles of Earth; a ‘day’ being symbolic of an unknown measure of Cosmic time. The first ‘day’ is nominated the ‘Saturn Period’ of the Polarian Epoch, a time when the Earth was still a part of the solar nebula. The second day is nominated the ‘Solar Period’ of the Hyperborean Epoch, a time when the Earth was expelled from the sun. The third ‘day’ is nominated the ‘Moon Period’ of the Lemurian Epoch when the moon was expelled from the Earth. (289 p.35-) Others say that the earth was created after the moon and then seeded from Lunar inhabitants.

During these long epochs of time, the First Root Race of humans appears on planet Earth as the Polarians, they have an ethereal astral form. The Second Root Race of humans follows; these are the Hypoboreans who are etheric in form but moving towards physicality. (74) Science says that ‘man’ evolved from the ape, but not all accept that the human has evolved out of an animal form, although they may have utilized the evolved animal form as a vehicle for living on planet Earth. To the spiritually minded, evolution can be extended into the more subtle realms of existence beyond physicality.

The Cambrian sub-period (c510million years ago) of the Paleozoic geological epoch is the time when the first fishes appear in the waters of Earth, with the more modern forms appearing during the late Silurian and early Devonian Periods of evolution (c395 million years ago). From the ancient air breathing fish, will evolve the amphibians destined to crawl from the water onto the land. With the development of a shell covered amniotic egg, came the emergence of the reptiles who will reach their peak development to rule the Earth, in the coming Mesozoic Epoch. (102)

Now is a time in which it is thought that a 35% increase in oxygen levels occurred and which follows the appearance of plants on Earth. This oxygen increase is scientifically attributed to the rise of giant insects and flying creatures. A later decline in oxygen levels is attributed to the disappearance of these giant insects. A second peak in oxygen levels is thought to occur again in about 100 million years into the future. (112)
The stage of evolution from fish (c395 million years ago) through amphibian to mammalian (c230 million years ago) is represented by the ‘Age of Capricorn’. Such an ‘Age’ is an Astrological/Astronomical designation for when the ‘Vernal Point’, in its 26,000 year cycle across the constellations, occurs against the background of the constellation Capricorn for a period of approximately 2000 years. The symbol of Capricorn is that of a creature that is part fish and part goat, (132 p.7) and may be related to the myth of Pan who jumped into the water to avoid a monster and turned into half fish, half goat. Capricorn may also be the symbol of the giant fish, armed with a horn, who guided the boat of the Hindu god Vaivasvata (Noah) during the Deluge of his time. (174)

The ‘Vernal Point’ is designated as 0 degrees of the Ecliptic circle and marks the time of the March Equinox or the time of year when the day and night are of equal length. The second point of equal day and night is at the September Equinox. Over the course of approximately 25,800 years [rounded out to 26,000] a period referred to as the Platonic ‘Great Year’, the Vernal Point precesses across the constellations at the rate of approximately 2,000 years per grouping of stars or one constellation. There are 12 Ecliptic constellations as viewed from Earth. As this ‘Vernal Point’ passes across each constellation, a new era or ‘Age’ of human development is marked. The groupings of stars or constellations have been named since ancient times and referred to as ‘Ages’. In order of precession they are Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus and Aries. Precession of the ‘Vernal Point’ is caused by a slow rotation of the Earth’s axis around a central point. A correlating change of ‘Pole’ star to which the axis is directed also occurs. Research reveals that long ages of historical periods correlate with this movement of the Earth’s axis.

The vast southern continent of Gondwanaland drifts northwards over time until it collides with the northern continent of Laurasia and forms one vast continent to be named Pangaea. As a result of this merging the great mountain ranges arise, and in the future will be called the Himalayas. Part of Gondwanaland is to eventually form the subcontinent of India. (226)

Capricorn the Fish-Goat