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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 2



The world was created, or became manifest when the 7 classical planets were conjunct in the constellation Aries, the sign of the Egyptian Goose, the ‘Great Cackler’ who laid the ‘Golden Egg’. The world will be destroyed, or become unmanifest, when these 7 planets are again conjunct in the sign of Pisces; thus said Albumasar in his ‘Revolution of Years’. (11)

This cosmic revelation according to the sage Albumasar, is when the world manifested itself out of the dark primordial soup of deep dark space.

For the Ancient Egyptians, Nun, the primordial abyss or cosmic waters, the boundless deep, gave forth all that was to manifest. This primal chaos is symbolized in 8 elemental gods known as the Ogdoad. They are:-

Nun/Naunet                   water
Huh/Hautet                    space
Kuk/Kauket                   darkness
Amun/Amunet               hidden

Out of this primal chaos arose Atum who gave birth to the creative sun god Re.

Then Shu the air and Tefnut the moisture, separated earth Geb from sky Nut. Geb then mated with Nut to produce the 4 pillars of the universe, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Seth. [185 pp.45-53] So the world began with the emergence of the sun god Ra or Re-Atum who then produced the 4 ‘corner’s of the world.

The Intelligence of the universe manifests its polarity through 10 divine principles or divine dynasties known as the reign of the gods or neters. These ten form the spiritual matrix from which life was made manifest, and from which civilization on Earth was nurtured. (48) Such understanding is the basis of Kabala system of Ten Sephiroth, and the Judaic-Christian Empyborean system of Spirits and Archangels; both systems or models are used by humans in their attempt to gain an understanding of the One original Intelligence, which is presumed to be the underlying factor in physical manifestation and which, for the want of a name, is termed by some to be GOD.

The archetypal design of God manifesting is symbolized in the glyph of the Kabalistic Tree. Below the area of the unknowable begins manifestation at Geburah and continues until it reaches Malkuth symbolized in planet Earth, the 7th world following the ‘Deluge’ or the 7th ‘Day’ of creation according to Genesis.

The reign of the ten neters is followed by the reign of the thirty dynasties of sages or demi-gods, guided by the mythological figure of Thoth, an ancient god of wisdom and measurement symbolized in many personages over a very long period of time and named according to particular cultures:-

Lemurian Thoth I / Adam
Atlantian/Egyptian Thoth II / Enoch
Hebraic/Egyptian Thoth III / Moses
[Greek Thoth IV/Hermes Trimegistus / Opheus]
Arabic Thoth V /Idris (316)
[Roman Thoth VI / Mercury]

In the beginning, EURYNOME [Tethys/Night] the Goddess of All Things, rose from Chaos, separated the sky from the sea [waters above from the waters below] and dancing on the waves set the wind in motion. The wind turned into the great serpent OPHION [Oceanus] who coupled with Eurynome and impregnated her. Eurynome turned into a dove and laid the Universal Silver Egg in the womb of darkness and around which Ophion coiled 7 times until the Egg split in two. From the Cosmic Egg issued Eros/Phanes, the universal light that set the world in motion and created the planets. Phanes is also the celestial bee the ‘feeder upon heather’ and identified with the transcendent Orphic god Iao of 4 heads. These 4 heads represent the cardinal points of direction. Later Eurynome will give birth to the Titans or 7 ancient and primeval dual planetary powers. [33. Vol.I  p.27-31]

The TITANS or Elders, were primeval gods/spirits and are the first divine race to inhabit Earth and are honoured by the Greeks as the ancestors of man. They are born of Gaea and Uranus, Earth and Sky and may represent the natural forces shaping the world in its early stages of evolution.  The Titans are generally 7 polarities in number, some superceded by the 12 gods of Olympus but a few remained alongside the new gods. The Titans have the names of:-

Cronus/Rhea [Time and Earth, seemingly to reflect their parents. They are the predecessors of Saturn - peace].
Oceanus/Tethys [Who will be replaced by Olympian Poseidon/Neptune but are also the predecessors of Venus/Aprodite - love].
Hyperion/Theia [The ancient predecessor of Sun/Helius - illumination].
Phoebe/Mnemosyne [The predecessors of Moon/Selene – memory/enchantment].
Coeus [Koios]/Metis [The predecessors of Mercury/Hermes/Apollo - wisdom],
Themis/Eurymedon-Iapetus [Predecessors of Jupiter/Zeus/Hera – justice/law];
Crius/Dione [Predecessors of Mars/Ares - growth].

The 7 planetary pairs, with their parents, make 8 pairs in all; compared with the Egyptian Ogdoad [4 pairs] and Ennead [4 pairs plus 1] this multiplication demonstrates the continuing fracturing into multiplicity of the All or the One as it descends deeper into physical manifestation.  [40. 308. 309. 33].

“The head…hath been formed and prepared in the likeness of a cranium and is filled with the crystalline dew”. Zohar (CM:8-9)
“…my head is filled with dew, and among the curls of my hair wander the tears of the nights”. Indra Sutra IV.

Monday, September 15, 2014

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint

In the mists of time, or even beyond the time and space we know now, was the land of Lemuria in existence; perhaps when the Vernal Point was located in the Constellation Leo, in one of the many and ancient world cycles.

Beyond the fabled Lemuria, yet still other legends tell of the tragedy of the crystal planet of Arcturus that was destroyed when the vibrational rate was increased to the point of causing destruction and the female survivors, possibly the Amazons of mythology, established themselves on planet Earth. Here they were able to pass on their knowledge under a matriarchal system designed to hold safe that knowledge which the male polarity had abused in their homeland. This event probably predated but also overlapped the Lemuria-Atlantis epoch and may be the origin of the Bear Race, the ancestors of man on Earth.

Beyond the annals of recorded history, tradition tells the legend of the Atlantean period of civilization. This continent was submerged in a geological calamity, brought about under the abuse of the natural laws, by its inhabitants. According to Plato the final destruction came in c9600 BCE.  A colony of students from this doomed civilization, known as the Masters of Wisdom, with vision of the coming crisis, emigrated to various parts of the world to begin again. One such destination was a place called Mizriam and later called Egypt, a place where these fleeing Masters could reestablish their knowledge, but this time concealed in order to prevent a repeat catastrophe due to abuse.  However, the Masters did teach, at the temples, those pupils deemed worthy.

At the collapse of Atlantis, knowledge of the laws of nature and of divinity, survived through the priest cast, in the early civilizations of Earth’s known history, and which grew from the remnants of Atlantis.  One of these early civilizations was established in what came to be known as Ancient Egypt and where an attempt was made to recreate the Golden Age of Atlantis. Based on that inherited knowledge, kept and guarded by the Priests of On, Egypt established a great civilization that survived for four thousand years according to modern recorded historical texts, although there are records that have a different and much longer history.

History turns the wheel. The Masters, sensing a change coming, set in motion an ‘Exodus’ from Egypt led by Moses, probably a composite mythological figure unless it was the Egyptian rebel pharaoh Akhenaton. This event occurred in order to preserve the ancient knowledge, in a new form, from its threatened destruction as the great civilization of Egypt entered on its decline. Thus Israel, or the land of EL was established. The ancient knowledge of human thought and evolution was also passed on from Egypt to the inhabitants of Greece and Gaul at a later time before their civilization totally disappeared. The route to Greece may well have been via Crete. Remnants of this event are documented by such great Masters as, Herodotus, Homer, Hesoid, Plato and Socrates.

Further attempts to resurrect a Golden Age occurred with the Incas of South America, and later in the Western world, by the Patriarchs, then later still by the classical Greeks. The Buddha and the Christ were the preparation for the next attempts, which eventually had some success in the Renaissance period of 15-17th centuries CE, in Europe and England, and included the annexing of America to form a ‘New World’ based on those past Utopian principles. In England the movement centred around the likes of Bacon, Dee, Fludd, and Queen Elizabeth I, out of which crucible sprang the foundations of the 19th century social and scientific culture. In Europe, the contemporaries in the 15-17th century resurgence were such people as Ficino, Pico, the Medici family, Agrippa, Durer, Bruno, Fludd and Kircher.

The state of the world in such ‘Golden Ages’ has been so designated as a reference to the ‘wisdom-knowledge’ and ‘mysteries’ of that age as inherited from the past, which contributed to a pleasant and productive living. (48) They were often referred to as ‘Arcadia’ the name of the original Utopia, inhabited by the Bear race. The Bear race is related to the star system of Ursa Major, a star system that plays an important role in the evolution of planet Earth.

There is a double current of cosmic energy affecting the evolution of the world. This double current is symbolized in the two faced ‘Baphomet’ of the Templars. The two faced symbol of the double current or dual evolutionary force is seen on the one hand as that motivation which causes humans to strive for the highest of ideals in seeking the truth, and on the other hand, that motive which opposes this unknown ideal with guile, ignorance and denial. This latter is a hostile force made even more dangerous by being backed with activity and intelligence, albeit of the negative sort. Masters of both camps continually play out their separate universal roles and engage at various times ‘Messengers’ to compete for the love and faith of the human mind. The reason for this dual force, as acknowledged by such philosophical systems as the Gnostics, is because without a duality or polarity there can be no material manifestation as we know it.

Since the earliest ages in the history of humanity, humans more highly developed than the average person have been depositaries of an ancient wisdom pertaining to this dual universal force. Tradition relates that there exists Seven Brotherhoods of such wise beings, the most important of which inhabits an unknown monastery in the Himalayas. These ‘Masters of Wisdom’ are most learned in the Laws of Nature, in the methods of the spiritual world that under-lies and supports the material world. Their work, done in truth, knowledge, wisdom and love, is to lead the development of lesser mortals towards the Light of True Reality. The war continuously wages between light and dark, between divine unity and the promoters of the fracturing forces of individualism and excessive material want; sometimes one side and sometimes the other is seen to rule in the world of man. (206)

This ‘Labyrinth History’ follows the path of Light and some of the Masters who are responsible for transmitting it. In their journey the wrath of the negative path is often encountered but not dwelt upon.

Physical evidence of ‘erect’ man on Earth goes back to at least 116,000 BCE but he did not become HU-man until advent of ‘Adam’, of which there is no date.

To Be Continued…………..