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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 7.

3 million
years ago

2.5 million
years ago

2 million
years ago

1 million
years ago

9000,000 BCE
QUATERNARY or Anthropolithic Era of man
The Quaternary geological Epoc is marked by glaciations or the ‘Ice Ages’. The eras or sub-periods are Pleistocene (Diluvial) and Holocene (Alluvial).
Anti-diluvial: pre flood
Diluvial: pertaining to a deluge or flood; the flood of Genesis.
Alluvial/Alluvium: sedimentary deposit (following the flood).

Pleistocene Geological Era of glaciation, which was marked by a series of clear oscillations of climate resulting in glacial and interglacial periods. Hunting and gathering man is evident and using shaped stone, wood, bone and antler tools.This is the start of the Old Stone Age further divided into three subdivisions, Lower (c2mil BCE) Middle (80,000 BCE) and Upper Palaeolithic (30,000 BCE) which correspond to three cultural periods of development, Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.

Paleolithic Culture of the Old Stone Age marks the evolution of man from ape-like ancestry to the true semblance of Homo sapiens. During the latter part of this long era, [2.5 million to 10,000 BCE] the first evidence will be found of primitive cultures (Abbevillian, Clactonian and Acheuliaan).

HOMO HABILIS: earliest member of the human genus emerges at the start of the Paleolithic cultural period. These beings are hunters, gatherers, tool-makers of the ‘Old Stone Age’. They have a division of labour, cooperative living and show evidence of abstract thinking, foresight and adaptation. Human unfoldment is governed by the faculty of reason during this Precessional Period as the Vernal Point moves through the constellation of Libra, the Scales. Here humans are given the faculty of choice.

The TLAVATLI or 2nd Atlantean sub-race of human beings originate in the area of Atlantis that is to become the island of Poisdonis. These Tlavatili migrate and interbreed with the Lemurian occupants of ‘India’ to form the Dravidian race. Possibly they are the remote ancestors of the South American Patagonians. The brown tribes of South American Indians, the Burmese and the Siamese will inherit Tlavatli blood.

Indian culture will develop in geographical isolation created by the barrier of the Himalayas. This mountainous ridge resulted from the collision of the two great continents of the early world, Gondwanaland and Laurasia. In the north of India the Indo-European tongues (Aryan mix) will dominate whilst in the south, the Dravidian languages (mix of Atlanteans and Lemurians) will be prominent.

The TOLTEC or 3rd Atlantean sub-race, marks the highest development of the Atlantean epoc following the formation of a united federation and the establishment of a ‘Golden Age’. The most powerful empire of any of the Atlantean peoples, it is the first to establish the hereditary principle of succession to the ruler of the nation. Occult schools have been established, and from the time of the second emperor, a Divine dynasty in contact with the Occult Hierarchy, rules the people. The population is greater than that of 19th century CE Europe, being around two thousand millions. Initiated kings and priests who followed the ‘good law’ will lead emigrations prior to each catastrophe that is to befall the continent of Atlantis in the future. These are the ancestors of the Mexican and Peruvian Empires and the red tribes of north and south American Indians. Man having evolved physically, morally and mentally is now ready to commence the spiritual side of his evolution under the Precessional sign of Virgo.

HOMO ERECTUS: according to orthodox history Homo Erectus now appears and with evidence of intelligence, communication and social organisation. This is 700,000 years before Homo-Sapien is said to make an appearance.

The TURANIAN or 4th Atlantian sub-race rises to power following the decline of the ‘Golden Age’ of the Toltecs. The Toltecs had drifted away from Divine Law and broke
connections with the Occult Hierarchy, Personal power was used selfishly and turned nature’s laws into sorcery. A rival black emperor drove the white emperor from the ‘City of the Golden Gates’ and established himself on the throne. Such desecration led to the eventual attraction of terrible destruction but not before priest-led emigrations had taken place. The battle of black versus white will now continue on forever. The Turanian race (ancestors of the Aztecs and inland Chinese) were a turbulent, lawless race, brutal and cruel. They conducted a strange social experiment; for political reasons men were relieved from the direct burden of maintaining their families, the state taking over so that the birth rate increased and the ceremony of marriage was disregarded, thus family life and ties were destroyed. The race of Turanians tried several other social experiments to solve economic problems.