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Tuesday, March 10, 2015


We are now in the last of the seven square aspects of the Titans Uranus and Pluto. However, the effects are likely to carry on for a few months as Pluto goes back and forth over the same degree for a while longer before gradually fading away – no doubt to be replaced by other influences. I wonder what we have learnt – if anything – each person can ruminate on the happenings of the past years, the economic crash, the terrorism at both obvious and subtle levels, the wiping out of peoples and ancient heritage, the weather changes and the personal traumas, the exposure of so much, the circumventing of so many problems. It’s a big world and we can still fix it. As Uranus is joined by fast moving Venus and Mars in this seventh wave, maybe some resolutions will be found or maybe the façade of ‘we are in control, everything will be ok’, that we have been hiding behind, will be blown away so that healing can commence.

Don’t be fooled by the tiny size of Pluto, he is heavy metal packed tightly!

The Titans referred to are the fiery, disruptive planet Uranus in the fiery, energetic sign of Aries and the deeply mysterious and powerful planet Pluto in the stern and authoritarian sign of Capricorn.

These two planets have been in a harsh angle of 90 degrees to each other since 2011 correlating with a conflict between strong desire for individual rights and personal freedom of the sign Aries, and the powerful strength of institutions and government bodies of Capricorn, those who want to stay in control. And indeed we have seen much of this around the globe from the western economic collapse to the constant localised wars in the Middle-East. and a new form of war called ‘Terrorism’ throughout the world.

Astrologically, the present global situation of stress and tension is linked to the social revolution of the 1960s. That was a time when these two great Titans, Uranus and Pluto, were together in the sign of Virgo, the sign of work and service [including armed forces] and health matters [including epidemics]. It was a time when the old fashioned work ethic was ditched along with many other personal and social concepts that had held sway over living arrangements and people’s lives. It was the era of open rebellion at street level, of hippy power and drug culture and the first mummers of the coming technical revolution that was to affect every level of everyday living. There was also to come an upsurge of ‘alternative’ ways of looking at how we maintained our health, both physical and spiritual. It was the time of the escalation of the Vietnam War.

2011-2015 offered the world an opportunity to take stock of that intervening almost 50 years since the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in the sign of Virgo, and make any necessary re-adjustments at the social, political and individual level of response and reaction which occurred at the beginning of the cycle.

At a more spiritual level the tension of the current times indicate a need to blend our new awakening or new level of consciousness or new way of looking at ourselves, and at the universe. What is the new level of perception? The desire should be to improve ourselves and help others to do the same. It could be a time of sudden explosion of riches that are available to all, if we have successfully negotiated the experiences of the past five years, otherwise it can be an explosion of a different sort.

What we are looking at in the bigger picture is the cyclic relationship of planet Pluto with the planet Uranus. The current cycle started between 1965 and 1966 when the faster moving Uranus occupied the same position in the skies as the slower moving planet Pluto, and which correlated with a radical and highly disruptive breakdown of previous social and individual values over the succeeding years. The whole cycle of these two planets takes between 113 and 140 years, depending on the variable speeds of the planets. Four phases throughout such a cycle, when certain angular relationships are reached approximately every 30 or so years, are indications of a time for reassessing what these planetary energies meant for life on earth at the commencement of the cycle. This current readjustment phase rules over the years 2011/12 to 2015. The next such phase will occur towards the end of 2045.

So at various times of stress through 2011 to 2015 we are being called upon to curb our impatience and self-centred focus that allows no truck with order and convention, and attempt to blend our individual wants and needs with political will and the growth of organizations that are trying to bring about regeneration of our bad state of health, work and service.

To date, this has not been an easy task and the results threaten to be more like forceful destruction of what exists so that something new and improved can arise out of the ashes. One way or another there has to be a major restructuring of our efforts to respond on masse to the movements and energies activated in the mid 1960s. As we struggle along in this final phase the aim needs to be of keeping an open mind and being awake to any opportunity to make new discoveries and harness inspirations. More important changes are sure to come, and continue, and we need to adjust with grace.

An Alchemical Symbol for mixing together the raw elements.

The 2 pillars of society continue to break down – the church and the university -  and in between the third pillar of social structure is disintegrating. These circumstances have been going on for some time [since the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in the alchemical sign of Virgo] in a slow and sometimes perhaps imperceptible grind, but now  during the long haul of 2011-2015 we see just where we have been. All levels of living have been undermined in a very subtle and indefinable way and at times in a most obvious fashion.

The breakdown and paradigm shift occurring in the church, means that it is no longer the sole controlling and directing force of our moral codes and behaviour. The breakdown and paradigm shift occurring in the universities means that they no longer are the sole source of our education and political notions. All has been replaced with free access to all knowledge and opinions sourced on the Internet. As a result, the breakdown and paradigm shift is occurring at a fundamental level in family and social and health structures, even to affecting what we define as gender and work. Indeed who are we?

Life is now lived more and more in technical ‘bites’ small quick pieces of information in a virtual world of the Internet, were there are no rules and no guidelines, one has to make them up to suit individual situations. There is a more constant displacement of masses of people due to great earth movements of fire, water and earth, due to easy travel or tourism and due to human tension expressed in disagreements, shootings, riots and war.

All institutions are breaking down, even life is breaking down, in spite of all the new discoveries. How do we survive and adapt? I wonder if our parents and grandparents felt the same – is this just another reoccurring cycle or is there truly a new world on the horizon? A massive evolutionary leap rather than a repeat turn of the circle.

He who smiles
than rages
Is always
The Stronger

In the last throes of the seventh wave, the Titan Pluto or Hades or Osiris, the invisible god of the hidden world, continues to assault Uranus, goddess/god of the starry heavens.

Egyptian Osiris, god of the hidden world, source of all wealth was given back his life after his crucifixion, by the goddess Isis. Pluto gives back life through the goddess Persephone and her mother Demeter.

Some say that Pluto was originally female, the Great Mother Goddess Rhea, who ruled over the 3 worlds of Earth, Heaven and the Hidden World. The Great Mother who spun the aetheric web that supports all manifest life.

Pluto or Plutos has an equivalent in the double Egyptian god Ptah-Seker who symbolises the creative power of the mid-night sun or Osiris of the Hidden World.

 Ptah-Seker [Budge]

Greek Uranus has the equivalent in Nut or Nuit, the Egyptian goddess of the starry sky; not the realm of the planets, but beyond the planets in the Eighth Heaven of the greater stars, those constellation that are said to have the ultimate control or influence over life on planet earth.

The Egyptian Nut or Nuit, goddess of the starry night over-arching creation. Related to the Greek/Roman god Uranus, the smasher of boundaries in order to reach greater awareness.

A fire sign and an earth sign at logger-heads. Aries fire wants to go full steam ahead. Capricorn earth wants to sit and think about things before acting. Both of these planetary gods/goddesses, symbolised in Pluto and Uranus, want radical change in their separate ways, and they are not going to be put off.

Such effects on life on planet earth will of course ripple down to the individual according to their own personal astrological chart, with the impact being according to each individual’s structure and temperament and ability for response.

Do we love one another enough to help each other through this very tense time, so that we can become more than we are? Or do we continue to battle each other as if we were all a constant threat to each other?

As Uranus is joined by fast moving Venus and Mars in this seventh wave of the square aspect of Uranus with Pluto, maybe some resolutions will be found, or maybe the façade of ‘we are in control, everything will be ok’ that we have been hiding behind, will be blown away so that healing can commence.

When Venus and Mars are in harmony, they dance beautifully together but this is the sign Aries that they occupy, and fiery Mars with Uranus may have the upper hand. Rather than be purely aggressive and self-centred can we dance with the joy of being individuals whilst being concerned for the welfare of our neighbour or partner?