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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 11

40,000 BCE CRO-MAGNON humans are in evidence with well defined bladed tools, cave paintings, stone structures and evidence of measuring celestial activity.  This is the Homo Sapien or ‘modern human’ of the late Upper Pleistocene geological period, who may or may not have developed out of previous forms of humans. Mount Carmel, Palestine, gives evidence of the Neanderthal and the Homo Sapien existing together through most of the cultural Palaeolithic Age (old stone age).  Cro-Magnon man is a descendant of the Tlavatli Atlantean sub-race.

The reign of the DEMI-GODS beginsThese Demi-gods are comprised of three groups making up 30 dynasties of great sages who manifest form/matter according to Spiritual Law. They are to exist for 25 Sothic cycle. SAGES OF EGYPT are colonists from Atlantis during the Titanic period of evolution

THOTH/TEHUTI The Atlantean/Egyptian Thoth/Hermes, world teacher and sage of the ‘White Lodge’, comes to preach the doctrine of the Hidden Light. He will reincarnate in the future as Orpheus c7000 BCE. Tehuti founded the outer cult of the Egyptian gods and restored the inner secret Mysteries. His mission was to teach the great doctrine of the universal ‘Inner Light’ which will be later echoed in the fourth Gospel of the Hebrew Bible. This ‘Light’ is personified in the god Osiris. In the Ancient Egyptian Triad of gods, Osiris is the divine spirit, Isis the Eternal Mother and Horus, man the child. Isis governs the ‘Lesser Mysteries’ for she is the Mother of all that lives, ‘I am that which is, which hath been, and which shall be; and no man has ever lifted the veil that hides my Divinity from mortal eyes’. Her temple is at Sais and the moon is her symbol. Osiris governs the ‘Greater Mysteries’ and is the mighty Planetary Spirit. Horus is the rose and gold of eternal love. In the mysteries, other gods are personifications of divine principles and as such they are channels for particular intelligences. Ptah was the craftman of these gods. The 4 children of Horus are the 4 quarters or cardinal points that support the heavenly canopy. Hapi the ape head was the North, Tuamutef the jackel head was the East, Amset/Kestha the head of man was the south and Qebsennuf the hawk head was of the West. These 4 are the kings of the elements, and came to be known as the cherubim of Ezekiel, the 4 beasts of Revelations as well as representations of the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac or the ‘corners of the world’. They represent the great building forces of the universe and one allocation says that in ritual their powers are symbolized in corn, (Nth/Earth)  wine, (Sth/Water) oil (West/Fire) and salt (East/Air). The purpose of the ‘Lesser Mysteries’ was to educate and culture the masses, to give knowledge of this world and that one beyond the gate of ‘Death’; of man’s place in the scheme of things and therefore what was worth doing and being.

SESHAT, Lady of Letters, Mistress of the Library, is goddess and the feminine counterpart of Thoth. She wrote down with her own hand the names and deeds of the Egyptian rulers on the sacred tree in the great ‘Hall of Heliopolis’. She is accompanied by Thoth and Atum in this duty.

Thoth & Seshat, measurers of the universe

[from Lockyer]


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