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Friday, October 30, 2015


Spooky Halloween Everyone. Time to contact your ancestors.

The Sun is now at approximately 7 degrees of the zodiac sign Scorpio and opposite the star Hamal in the constellation of Aries.

Do you know the difference between the zodiac signs and the constellations that have the same names?

The pathway of the Sun around the Earth [as seen from Earth] is called the Ecliptic. The Ecliptic circle is divided into 12 divisions of 30 degrees each. Each 30 degree section was given the name of a zodiac sign, Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. This was to assist in the location of planets and how to interpret their influence on the beings and organisms that inhabit the planet Earth.

The constellations are groups of stars that lie closest to this Ecliptic belt. Our ancestors gave the groups of stars mythological characters that hold knowledge to help us on our way to self discovery. Luckily humans cannot yet destroy the outer space that holds the stars. The wisdom of the ancients was deep. It is the constellations that were given zodiac names originally and later these names were transferred to the path of the Sun, the Ecliptic circle.

It is quite possible that ‘Halloween’ is the remnants of the ancient Celtic Festival of Samp'in meaning the fire of peace (of death)- and gave emphasis to the star Hamal located in the head of the constellation of the Ram. In ancient Egypt this constellation was the Goose known as the ‘Great Cackler’.

Hamal is associated with Aloros, the first of the ten mythical kings of Akkad, before the Deluge of history. These king’s reigns coincided with the distances apart of the ten chief ecliptic stars beginning with Hamal followed by Alcyone, Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus, Spica, Antares, Algedi, Deneb Algedi, and Scheat.

Greek temples at various places between 1580-360 BCE were oriented to the star Hamel c.Aries, those temples of Zeus and Athene being especially favoured.

The mythological Sun hero fled on the back of a Ram with his sister Helle to Colchis in order to escape the wrath of their stepmother.  Helle fell off and was drowned in the sea. At the end of the journey the Ram was sacrificed and the hung fleece turned to gold and became the object of the Argonauts' quest.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 14.

10,400 BCE   TEP ZEPI or the First Time of OSIRUS, a time when the gods first fraternized with hu-mans. This was achieved via the Pharaohs who were the divine link between the gods and the custodians of the laws and wisdom on Earth. Another interpretation says that this is the time when that the gods with-drew from Earth and the pharaoh became their spokes person on Earth.
                       The celestial stars of Orion’s Belt align with the Giza Pyramid marking the start of a great cycle or the current ‘Great Year’ of approximately 26,000 solar years.  Possibly the design and building of the Great Pyramid encapsulates the laws of this ‘First Time’ or ‘Tep Zepi’. This present ‘Great Cycle’ will reach the climax of its half-way point about 2550 CE. 
This is also the postulated time for civil war in Egypt and the possible birthing of a new nation out of a disintegrating world; one of a multi-racial society coping with planetary changes of earth quakes, sinking continents, great floods, movement in the alignment of Earth’s polar axis. Out of this chaos will emerge a leader called Thoth and the beginning of history as we know it.
Between 10,300 and 8,500 BCE there is evidence of plaster being used as an architectural material.

10,000 BCE   MESOLITHIC CULTURE. This is the approximate beginning of the ‘Middle Stone Age’ or transition phase between Palaeolithic and Neolithic eras. This period rises following a climate change after the retreat of the last glacial sheet. It saw the development of agriculture. Metallurgy is practiced in the highlands of eastern Anatolia.  Europe is invaded by the Azilians, descendants of the Iberians.

                       Around now is the time of the destruction of the ancient continent of MU, the original Motherland of humans, and which now becomes the bed of the Pacific Ocean. This culture had been built on 100,000 years of study and experience. The MU inhabitants, the Naacals took their knowledge of Cosmic Forces and creation, inscribed on clay tablets, to India and to Mexico. These tablets record the ‘Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu’, also known as Lemuria, and indicate an original creating force from which four great forces emanate and which are the executors of the original impulse.  Possibly these are the same as the four great archangels of Christianity, the guardians of the four corners of the universe, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel.
                       According to Scott-Elliot the Lemurians occupied Earth 230 million years ago as the third root race. 100,000 years ago was the existence of the sixth Atlantean sub-race, the Akkadians.

9600 BCE      War between the antediluvian Athenians (worshipers of Athena) and the Atlantians (followers of Poisdon) results in cataclysms and destruction of the races. This is the deluge of Anti-deluvian mythos.
                       The Athenians are probably the Bear Race from Ursa Major and the Atlantians a race from Arcturus or Spica.
                       As the fourth and final catastrophe of Atlantis, Poseidonis, the remaining island of Atlantis, is submerged. The tidal wave caused by this event again temporarily submerges Egypt and brings to an end the rule of Divine Dynasties there and the ‘Lodge of Initiates’ transfers its quarters to other lands.

                       The sinking of Poseidonis/Atlantis will be recorded in Plato’s ‘Timaeus’ as taking place in 9564 BCE. A vast tidal wave is recorded as sweeping over Egypt, and a land mass rises to create the Sahara Desert where a shallow sea had been before. For 1500 years the 3 pyramids will stand alone watching primitive tribes come and go before the Aryo-Egyptian people returned from their refuge in the Arabian mountains.

                       The second THOTH now sets up a mystery school in Egypt for the purpose of resurrecting the ancient wisdom. This knowledge will be recorded in relief inscriptions and in papyrus manuscripts in sacred character but of common tongue. This is the Thoth that became designated as ‘Trice Greatest’ by later philosophers. Each incarnation of the god Thoth/Hermes in his turn is taken to represent a new reign of priesthood. The language of the first priesthood is no longer spoken by this time.
                       THOTH II is also known as ENOCH, 7th generation from Adam and great grandfather of Noah. As a Great Sage of Atlantis, Enoch is a collective name for the inner masters, high initiates or King-priests who are guardians of the light of sacred wisdom knowledge of the gods. Thoth II is a sage of Anu (On/Heliopolis) and one of the Ennead centred here, a group of priests of great wisdom and guardians of time as measured by the stars.
                       Artaud in 1858 will write that, in the mystic sense, Thoth or the Egyptian Hermes, was the symbol of the ‘Divine Mind’; he was the incarnated ‘Thought’, the living ‘Word’, the primitive type of the ‘Logos’ of Plato, and the ‘Word’ of the Christians. The Trismegistic treatises to be discovered in the 11th Century CE are the later recordings of his divine and mystic knowledge.  In accordance with the shift of the centre of power, Thoth was probably transposed to Anu (Heliopolis) from Khemennu (Hermopolis) where he had governed the earlier Ogdoad.

                       ENOCH the Biblical Patriarch is sometimes identified with the Great Thoth II. Enoch is the ancestor of the Phoenicians who built the Great Pyramid and called it ‘The Pillar of Enoch’. Enoch is attributed with recording the ‘Book of Enoch’, which is based on the original book given by the angel Raphael to Adam who was the first ‘Thoth’. The ‘Book of Enoch’ is a treatise on 15 stars, which is possibly the same as the future Ptolemy’s 15 stars of the first magnitude. Enoch’s book also records the importance of 15 herbs and 15 stones with 15 figures engraved upon them. (Note that this number is an astrological half cycle of Moon and Saturn, and reduces to 6 the number of creation.)
                       According to Genesis, Enoch lived 365 years (a multiple of the Solar cycle) and is stated to be the founder of Astrology.  He wrote 366 books about his visions and voyages.  The ‘Book of Enoch’ is said to be a great influence on the ‘New Testament’ and will be held as a canonical book by the early Christian church fathers in the future. It holds information on angels and their control of nature, on man and the future. The ‘Book of Enoch’ will be discredited c300 CE by the founding Church Fathers but accepted again by Augustine c420 CE. No outward mention of the book will be found in either the east or west after the 9th century CE.
                       Enoch also wrote the ‘Book of Jeou’, which is a cosmology and a guide for souls. These works will be used by the Gnostics around 0 CE, and are heavily based on number correspondence as a code and symbolism for mystical principles.
                       The wisdom of Thoth will descend in fragments to the 20th century CE, as a collection of texts gathered under the head of ‘Corpus Hermeticum’. This knowledge has backed the Hebrew faith and formed the basis of the various Gnostic religions and will do so for the Christian faith to come. The ‘Corpus Hermeticum’ will be first collected and recorded as one body of work in a Latin text about 150 CE but the sacred ‘Books of Hermes’ were originally composed during the reign of the Gods, preceding that of the first human king, Menes.  The Greek Stobaeus will in the future preserve a fragment of the ‘Hermetic’ writings called, ‘The Sacred Book’, in a volume called ‘The Virgin of the World’.

[Bibliography and References withheld for publishing purposes.]

THOTH the Magus ©

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 13.

12,800 BCE  The Age of Virgo begins. This is the sign of the Virgin when Gaea comes of age and conceives a child. The herald of this event is an Archangel messenger in the form of Mercury relaying from Jupiter or God the Father. A new generation of humanity is conceived and a new order initiated. During this age the ice sheets of the last glacial period begin to withdraw and lands are drowned by melting waters. Other lands are exposed by the retreat of ice cover.
                   This is approximately the end of Pleistocene geological epoch, which is marked by great changes. The Upper Palaeolithic Cultures are now replaced by Neolithic Culture and there is the appearance of the first farming communities.

12,000 BCE  The Pole Star of planet Earth is Vega (Wega) of the constellation Lyre (and will again be here in 14,000 CE). This dating corresponds well with the theory of the ‘First Time’ (c10,400 BCE) and the start of a 'Great Cycle' as postulated by the authors of ‘Orion’s Mystery’. It also corresponds with the world age being cuspal Libra/Virgo and the initiation of a new cycle of evolution.

                    ‘Prehistoric’ cultures exist in Upper Egypt and are designated by the names of Badarian, Naqada I and Naqada II. This is the time of the Hor-she-Shu, whilst the pre-dynastic ‘Pyramid Hieroglyph Texts’ indicate a belief in the afterlife among the circumpolar stars; this is before the ascent of the solar god cult of dynastic times. During the pre-dynastic period in Egypt the country was divided into 22 small states called ‘Nomes’. Of the villages in Upper Egypt one  carried the name of  Nubt.
                   NUBT is a fortified town and early capital of Upper Egypt, known to the Greeks as Ombos after the local god Seth the Ombite. It is considered the site of the kings of the First Dynasty of a United Egypt, the first being Menes, another being Hor-aha. Temples to this god Seth, will be found right up to the ‘New Kingdom’.

11,000 BCE  The Age of Leo begins and brings a great rebirth of human evolution and culture. Man in harmony with himself is symbolised in the Sphinx which depicts an amalgam of the four fixed signs:- Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. This is the age of the Egyptian sun cult as reflected in the megalithic stones. It is a time that also marks the first age of the Egyptian zodiac as depicted later in the Ptolemaic Dendra zodiac of about 50 CE. The star tHerculis is the North Pole star.

                      RAAI, (RA)  King of Egypt, is also thought to rule around this time as lord of a black race in the area of the Upper Nile (near the future valley of the kings). At this time the people are invaded by white Caucusus/Carpathia people, led by King Arart and guided by the priest Ra-Ta. The two races settled, after some antagonism, under the rulership of a triumvirate of Araaraat (Horus son of invading King Arart/Osiris), Arart (a native scribe) and Ra-Ta (a native priest). Raai would later be deified as the god Re.
                     Next came an influx of new peoples, a red race from the sinking continent of Atlantis. They brought with them advanced knowledge of science, technology and historical records. 

                   Re as sun god, wears a crown with two ostrich feathers. The daughter of Re is Maat (to become the Greek Athena). Arart/Osiris takes over from Re. Osiris wears the white crown of Upper Egypt and the two feathers of Re, which becomes known as the Atef crown and symbol of the unity of two peoples, the inhabitants and the white invaders. The crown of lower Egypt is the red ‘deshret’, the crown of Upper Egypt is the white ‘hedjet’ The double crown of united Egypt is called the ‘pschent’.

10,500          The third and final destruction of Atlantis comes about. This is the one mentioned by  
                     Solon and later recorded by Plato. The upheaval caused the remaining three islands of
                     Atlantis to sink and forced those who survived to migrate to other parts of the world.

Commencement of the building of the Great Pyramid, which will take a hundred years to construct as a hall for initiates of the Great White Brotherhood with whom Hermes and Re are associated. In a nearby smaller pyramid are housed the records from Atlantis. They will be lost with time and re-discovered in the 21st century CE according to the visionary Edgar Cayce.