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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Saturn & Neptune: friend or foe.

Life would be very boring without something new to learn each day. Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces brings us this opportunity.

Saturn the Planetary Lord of Capricorn and Aquarius, personifies self-imposed discipline as well as the boundaries and borders imposed on our activities by other people and external circumstances. Saturn also represents order, duty and responsibilities that we experience in our lives. Saturn deals with the ‘real’, and with the perceived world of hard facts and practicalities; with the measurements of tangible forms. Saturn also represents the disciple attempting to climb the mountain of self mastery.

Neptune is the planetary Lord of Pisces and personifies freedom from boundaries, boarders and self-imposed discipline. Neptune rules the intangible world of the raging sea, and those hidden depths of myth, imagination and intuitive feelings. Neptune promotes access to worlds beyond Saturn, worlds that are obtained in dreams, through media and visions; through mystical pursuits or more negatively through the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Mastery comes from being aware that the cosmos is infinite and the individual but a small part of this.

Saturn and Neptune are seemingly contradictory energies and are in a difficult ‘square’ relationship with each other over an extended period of time from November 2015 to October 2016. These two energies seem to be at the opposite ends of the spectrum of experience, so the usual interpretation of these two meeting in a difficult relationship is, chaos, deep sadness and confusing, living in a distorted world and experiencing difficult relationships.

But before we get too depressed about the possibilities of meaning, we must remember to take into account the signs that each planet is occupying at the time of their contact. The sign indicates what kind of environment the planetary energy is working in and thus modified by. Saturn is fairly happy and content in Sagittarius because here he meets with the influence of Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius and this softens Saturn’s harshness to allow for constructive outcomes in the world.
Neptune is very strong in his at home sign of Pisces because he/she is the ruler of this sign and can therefore be itself most easily and unencumbered. Pisces traditional ruler is Jupiter also.
As we can see, the great benefic Jupiter, of generosity and laughter, is interceding here to make things less traumatic than would otherwise be experienced.

However, Sagittarius and Pisces are signs that seldom see ‘eye to eye’ in the mundane world, in spite of their shared rulership of Jupiter. Sagittarius is orthodox religion or belief system; Pisces wants to experience something more in the expanded universe of mystical philosophy.

Saturn is Sagittarius says, stop meandering about the place and give better focus to your knowledge and understanding of life, but don’t get too rigid or pedantic.
Neptune says, remember to dance a little, to dream a bit and to put your finer thoughts and feelings to good use without totally going ‘off the planet’ that so carefully nurtures us, even though things can get pretty harsh at times.

For many of us it is going to be difficult to reconcile the energies of these two planetary bodies during their ‘square dance’ from November 2015 to October 2016. We have only just begun to feel their influence as the aspect builds to crescendo.  There are sure to be difficult circumstances to deal with and completely confusing relationships with people to negotiate; these have to be lived through, all of course dependent on the strength of these planetary bodies in the individual natal chart. There will be some lonely and isolating times to get through and some injustices to face up to, such circumstances needing us to stretch and become greater than we were before the incident. The world is full of such achievements.
So, instead of suffering uselessly, let us apply kindness and humanitarian virtues in a disciplined and practical way, in order to give both the planetary energies the opportunity for positive expression. In this way most of us should come out the other end a little better off even if somewhat worn around the edges.

In spite of what the corporations and politicians say, there is a greater driving force behind our little world, albeit not one we would readily recognise for it is distant and cosmic. Both planets deal with the unknown and hidden side of life, both planets deal with arcane knowledge. In the end they need each other; one to give definition and form to the other’s dreams and visions of utopia, one to help us move beyond what has encased us in the past.

If Saturn and Neptune cannot work together, then great clashes of struggle can be expected and drugs, alcohol and even murder be the order of the day. But rather let us teach dance and show the way to better living and loving. This is a struggle to follow though without losing hope and sense of direction or being caught up in selfish self-indulgence. Saturn and Neptune contacts can only create confusion if there is no ability to respond either artistically or spiritually to their combined energies. This is because Neptune asks us to reach beyond everyday consideration and if one can’t, then only confusion, sadness, loneliness and loss prevails, due to lack of understanding.

If you are a Sagittarian, you will probably experience your nicely defined world of this current time, being intermittently upset by certain people pushing their alternative reality upon you. Expect some confusing and awkward moments or even lengthy periods of time, when this is happening, but cool your fire and try to see other possibilities.

If you are a Piscean, your increasing sensitivity to the unseen, over the coming year, is likely to feel quite challenged on occasions by all that is practical and orthodox. These are times when you might be required, even unnecessarily, to justify yourself, your dreams and your utopian ideals. Avoid letting such situations get the better of you and your sensitivities. Continue to strive for a physical manifestation of what you feel in your heart to be the truth.

Division and contradiction must not be allowed to lead us into self-righteous fanaticism or encourage us to descend into morbid self-pity. The martyr complex does not serve anyone.
High standards and respect for other people and alternate views to our own, must be encouraged rather than feeling mistrustful and victimised. One’s own inner fears should not be projected on to others. Using escape through drugs and fantasy are likely to exacerbate the situation rather than heal or bring relief.
Hard work, well directed, will save the day. Look to tried and true principles to guide your living.

 Efficiency and organization need to be emphasised over cunning and devious tactics.
Avoid being resentful, whilst searching for the truth of constructive values tinged with compassionate understanding. This will help us to navigate through a sometimes bewildering maze of hurt and confusion, as ideals and reality come into conflict.

Structured and ordered thinking helps us to handle the fuzziness of the day and give better and more positive shape to our ideals, imagination and intuitive feelings.
Let us listen to the old and ancient philosophers, whilst judging carefully on those whose only aim is to block our progress in unfolding our sensitive and spiritual faculties. Let us avoid scandalous and anti-social behaviour. Let us work for the good of all, so that we can avert social downfall, either personal or in our community. Let us be wary of our thoughts, actions and plans in those moments of confusion, rather than acting out unthinkingly on any silly, compulsive want or need, such as the chasing of personal sense satisfaction without thinking about the consequences.

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