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Sunday, July 9, 2017

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 24

3rd MILLENIUM BC (2999-2000)

                       Nomadic tribes continue migrations from Central Asia across the landmass towards Southern Asia, Europe and Nth India, over time they diverge to create different races. Possibly this is the time that Egyptian Hieroglyphs are first inscribed on the walls of temples and pyramids. By the end of 3rd millennium, Canaanites in Byblos will have developed a syllabic script modelled on these Egyptian hieroglyphs. Palestinian urban culture at this time sees great development. The cities of Jericho, Megiddo, Beth-shan, Ai, Shechem, Gezer and Lachish come into existence. (173)

                       THE HEBREWS (this term is no longer used except to refer to the Hebrew language) a nomadic people and whose origin is uncertain, are inhabiting the northern fringes of the Arabian desert.  ‘Hebrew’ is associated with Eber, the grandson of Shem (Genesis 24) eldest son of Noah, and the forefather of all Semitic peoples. Thus, from Noah came Shem who fathered Eber, forefather of all Semitic peoples.

c2900 BCE      The foundations of the Sumerian dynasties are laid down. A King list from this date is extant. (181)
The Sumerians of the 3rd millennium BCE identify 4 royal stars. At this time, these 4 stars marked the Equinoxes and the Solstices. (029)

Aldebaran [cTaurus]                Vernal Equinox
Regulus [cLeo]                         Summer Solstice
Antares [cScorpio]                   Autumnal Equinox
Formalhaut [cAquarius]         Winter Solstice

These four signs or the zodiacal constellations, are represented by the four creatures of the ‘fixed signs’ of the zodiac. Known in the more popular zodiac divisions of the ecliptic, which has its origin in the circle of the corresponding constellations. Thus, Taurus is represented by the head of a bull, Leo by the head of a Lion, Scorpio by a scorpion or Eagle and Aquarius by a human figure or angle. These four symbols will under pin philosophical systems and religions all the way through our known history.

 Symbols of the 4 signs on the façade of Duomo Orvieto, Italy.

c2890 BCE      HETEPSEKHEMWY founds Dynasty II (2890-2686) of the Archaic Period in ancient Egypt. The pharaohs’ name means ‘the Two Powers are at peace’ and the centre of this power is shifted from the town of This near Abydos, to Memphis in the north. (49.175)

                        FU XI (FU HSI 2852-2737 BCE) Creates the ‘Early Heaven Ba gua’ a Chinese symbol of Creation made up of 8 Trigrams, which probably have an analogy in the 8 immortals. These symbols will become the foundation of the ‘I Ching’ philosophy. The Ba gua is a symmetrical symbol representing in diagrammatic form the opposing forces of Yin and Yang, the polarity of Primal Cosmic Energy. It is interesting that the word ‘BA’ in Egyptology refers to the soul also. Later, King Wen [1150 BCE] will create the ‘Later Heaven Ba gua’ to represent the manifestation of spirit in Nature. (120)
                       FU HSI is one of four holy men cited as the authors of the ‘Book of Changes’ and designated as the inventor of the linear symbols or ‘Trigrams’ used for oracle purposes. Fu Hsi is held to antedate historical memory. The names of the 8 basic trigrams (linear signs) do not occur in any other connection in the Chinese language and are therefore thought to be of foreign origin. (120).

Bagua of ‘Early Heaven’ (2852-2737BCE)

2861               Estimated total Eclipse over Asyut in Ancient Egypt. (240. 241) Such eclipses are thought, by astrologers, to correspond with strong cultural-political and geological changes in the areas that view such an eclipse.

c2800 BCE      There is early Minoan civilization on the Island of Crete (c2800-1800 BC) (34) and they are working in Bronze.

                       IMHOTEP 3rd dynasty Egyptian, High Priest of Heliopolis, ‘chief of observers’, seer, occultist, healer, and architect of the stepped pyramid at Saqqara for Pharaoh Djoser (Zoser). This is the world’s earliest known sizeable stone building. The Egyptian name for a pyramid is ‘mer’, meaning ‘Place of Ascension’. It is a religious building indicating a man-made link between heaven and earth. (49)
                       Imhotep is described in the Turin Canon as the son of Ptah the creator god of Memphis, thus he was known as ‘wise counsellor’. (175)
                       In 2767 BCE, Imhotep inaugurated the Sothic era, nominating the Heliopolis heliacal rising of Sirius as the first day of the Egyptian year. It will correspond in the future Julian calendar to July 16. (30)

Zoser’s Pyramid as it appears in the 21st century CE.

                       PHARAOH DJOSER (Zoser) begins the 3rd Egyptian Dynasty although he is thought to follow an earlier king by the name of Nebka. (175) Various authors nominate dates between now and 2686 BCE as the foundation of the 3rd Dynasty. Zoser is also called Asclepius by the Egyptians because of his medical knowledge (80) but according to another author (175) this appellation was given to Imhotep his architect. Zoser built the earliest pyramid at Saqqara and is known for his learning and love of literature. (80). With this Pharaoh, there is clear evidence of three main religious centres, at Heliopolis, Memphis and Hermopolis. At Heliopolis (Egyptian ON) the sun god Re who had begun to replace the older god Atum at the commencement of the dynastic period, takes the name Re-Atum and his symbol is the Bennu bird. (49)
                       A new form of religion seems to have been introduced in the 3rd Dynasty, that of sun worship [possibly replacing star worship] and with the new religion the first practice of mummification and temple building begin. (80) After the 4th Dynasty, the majority of Pharaohs will take an official name on coming to the throne. This name is an epithet compounded with the name of the Sun-god Re, and like the personal name will be enclosed in a cartouche. (80)

                       HUNI last ruler of the 3rd Egyptian Dynasty is attributed with the earliest known pyramid in the Fayum, at Maidum. Originally the pyramid is constructed on 8 ‘steps’. Huni’s successor will be Snofru/Sneferu (113. 175) born of Meresankh. The Fayum area will be upgraded by Pharaoh Amenemhet I in 2300 BCE, after a period of decline.

                       These Old Kingdom dynasties of Egypt have contact with Canaanite lands and there is an exchange of language and crafts. Canaanite Byblos is a colony of Egypt and a source of the hardwoods of Lebanon used in construction. (173)