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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Mars the Red Planet

 The zodiac circle that astrologers see encompassing us and the planet earth is made of 360 degrees divided into the familiar 12 zodiac signs.


The ideas and thoughts given on the astrological degrees of this circle present potent and pertinent reflections upon life which can help us deal with the circumstances in question.


The middle of November 2020 is one such highlighted instance, as at this time the planet Mars goes stationary direct on a certain degree of the astrological sign Aries; that is 15-16th degrees of the astrological sign Aries. Following this apparent change of motion, Mars will stimulate the current world situation over the coming months as we wend our way towards the New Year out-come of the strong world changes that we have been experiencing.


Mars is primarily the planet of war, the war of the ego to fulfil itself, to fight for its individual rights without thinking of the outcome or the rights of the other party. So, this time of November indicates one in which we need to counteract these fierce drives and look for ways in which everyone can accomplish and move towards what they want without unnecessarily destroying all around.


The middle of November brings an influence that if utilised positively will help us to modify the out- come of the changes that have been happening in our world, whether personal or in the bigger picture of global humanity. Here are some important ideas for reflection taken from the


‘Sabian Mysteries’, [2014] by James Burgess. A commentary on the work of Dr Marc Edmund Jones, astrologer and philosopher.



To be aware of ourselves and our surroundings, how well are we responding to the call of nature and our fellow beings. How does one balance the need to be true to the self and yet aim to make a difference? How does one balance outer purpose with inner feeling and live out the resultant friction. 

The call is to learn to value retreat, to take time out to review and assimilate what is being experienced. Learn to broaden one’s outlook, encourage self-assurance, take an overview and imagine the best. Helping others as we strive for ourselves is the source of happiness.

We must act as though we make a difference, even if knowing that we have not. And dance like nature spirits in the glory of the warm dying light of what has been, knowing that it cannot continue in its old ways and that there is invisible help at hand. 

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