1150 KING WEN, of China, followed by his son Wu, Duke of Chou, added counsels for correct conduct, to the original mute divination of the ‘I Ching’ book of oracles (c2704 BCE). This ancient book of oracles was composed by the Yellow Emperor, the legendary civilizer of China. The philosophy enclosed in this book is based on number mysticism and provides the foundation for the future philosophies of Confucius and Lao-Tse.
King Wen’s contribution turned the ‘I Ching’ from a simple oracle into a ‘Book of Wisdom’, so that instead of giving just a straight yes/no answer, the oracular hexagrams would now give guidance and advice. By manipulating stalks of the sacred yarrow plant, linear symbols can be attained and known as trigrams whose interpretation gives sayings of wisdom. King Wen is the progenitor of the Chou dynasty (1150-249 BCE) and is credited with making 64 hexagrams from the original 8 of Fu HsiÃ¥ (2852 BCE].
Chinese Trigrams
1130 BRUTUS (d.1103BC) of Britannia. Another name of Brutus is ‘Hugh The Mighty’. Following the fall of Troy, [c1600 BCE] Brutus now leads a colony of Celtic Trojan exiles from their home land to settle ‘the White Land’ later to be called Albion and then Britain. From these people will come the line of the ‘High Kings’ or Arviragus of ancient Britain. These colonials represent the blood-line that carries an ancient initiate knowledge. Their hereditary title of ‘Merlin’ (Myrrdin) means strength, wisdom and initiatic power of a Priest-King. Their descendants will be traced through the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea (and therefore of the Judaic royal line of David) to King Arthur and then to the Tudor rulers of Britain. (48) Somewhat parallel to the future Merovingian bloodline of the European continent.
At this same time in history, the Temples of Thebes in Greece and Egypt are aligned to the rising star Eltanin. It is a star in the head of the circumpolar constellation Hippo or Draco, once the centre of the heavens and called the ‘Great Serpent or Dragon’. The Dragon guards the entrance to the Hesperides where the golden apples of wisdom grow.
From the potteries of the Grecian Thebes
1122 BCE An Astrolabe records the earliest known Assyrian reference to the star Sirius as ‘gag-si-sa’ or the arrow-star. (30)
Star Sirius
1100 BCE Babylonian star catalogue nominates the Pegasus Square formation, of the Pegasus constellation, as the ‘Primordial Field’ and leading the stars in the way of Ea. (31)
Star map of the Pegasus Square or the I-iku of EA
In this same year, it is thought that a meteor from Mars crash landed in the Antarctic ‘Allan Hills’ of planet Earth. It will be discovered by man in 1984 CE and in the 1990s when they decided to take a closer look at it, it will be thought to contain fossils of ancient life forms. The writer asks, ‘Was the Cosmos Seeded with Life?’ (341)