961 BCE SOLOMON. According to some, Solomon as the last king of Israel will reign from 961 to 922 BCE (158) He is the son and successor of King David. Sol-om-on means Sun God of On, the Hebrew version of Ra of Heliopolis. (13) However, others think that it could be a derivative from the oldest of the Egyptian gods and another attempt to keep alive Aton of Ancient Egyptian times. Solomon is said to have taken an Egyptian Pharaohs’ daughter for his chief wife.
The Great Egyptian God of Egypt
Atlas of Egypt
As Hebrew King and leader of his people, Solomon built the Temple of Jerusalem. Other versions say the Temple was built by King Hiram of Tyre (13) as a central sanctuary of the Israelite religion and eventual spiritual centre for the world. The Temple of Jerusalem is built to house the Ark of the Covenant, that is the chest containing the Torah or Teachings of God, written on stone or bones and given to the priest Moses in the distant past. The temple consisted of a vestibule, a hall, and a shrine in an inner sanctum or Holy of Holies where only the High Priest is admitted. (114) The temple will stand until destroyed in 586 BCE although plundered by Egyptian pharaohs before this time. [226] The triple construction of the building represented the triple construction of the universe and of man. The Hebrew temple also has a unique similarity to Egyptian temples of old. One can only ask, ‘was the move by the Hebrews out of Egypt, an attempt to guard against the decline of Ancient Egyptian culture and the loss of knowledge? (1.12.94)
Temple of Jerusalem by Simon Goldhill
Outer court, main hall and Holy of Holies.
In the ‘belly of the whale’, like Johana, or in the cavern of the temple, we experience a place and time of mystery, perhaps stimulating a connection with greater states of consciousness.
Solomon is a master of the occult arts and identified with the Egyptian Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus. ‘The Wisdom of Solomon’, is an occult writing going under his name and includes grimoires. Legends of Solomon will later influence the Arab and Moslem religion of the future ‘Middle Ages’. (1]
When Solomon takes the throne in this century he is crowned by a Sheban moon-priestess called Bath-Sheba, said to also be his mother, wife and the daughter of a previous Sheba of c2000 BCE. (13). This would be very much in the ancient Egyptian tradition, although the term ‘sister’ is believed to be more that of associate rather than blood relative. One asks, ‘did Bathsheba come from Ethiopia or from Egypt?’ Another, and possible descendent of the Queen of Saba or Sheba, is thought to have ruled the mighty state of south Arabia until about 115 BCE, a land which was equal to the size of Yemen today. (158) It is known that Solomon took an Egyptian princess to wife and the author Velikovsky suggests that Solomon lived in the time of Hatshepsut and that she was the ‘Queen of Sheba’, and that in truth, Thuthmosis III lived and drove his campaigns in the time of the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut of the 15th century BCE.
the female pharaoh. Joyce Tyldesley
On the walls of the Amon temple of Karnak in Egypt, are cut the hieroglyphics recording the military successes of Thutmose III in Canaan [Palestine] and Syria and corresponding to the later reign of Solomon. Indeed, Velikovsky claims Hatshepsut to be that intriguing Queen Sheba who married Solomon. [262] During the reign of Solomon’s son Rehoboam, was the famed city of Kadesh [Holy] taken in the campaign of Thutmose III, really the Holy City of Jerusalem. Was it Thutmose III who ‘ransacked’ the famous Temple of Solomon or did he build it in the first place? [262]