Solar Eclipse. Compliments of Skywalk
948 BCE This is the timing of an Estimated total eclipse over Thebes in ancient Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period. (240. 241) And around this time the Vernal Point is recorded on the second tablet of mul-Apin in the Assurbanipal Library, as at sidereal Nisan 15 [March]. (16.30)
945 SHOSHENQ I / SHESHANK I [Biblical Shishak] inaugurates the 22nd Dynasty of Egypt. Commander is Chief of the armies and advisor to King Psusennes II. Shoshenq will marry Maatkare the daughter of Psusennes and so reign over Egypt in his turn. Shoshenq is a native of Libya, descended from a Tanite princess and living as a prince of Bubastis. In the fifth year of Rehoboam’s rein of Judah, Shoshenq came up against Jerusalem with mighty armies and ransacked the Solomon’s Temple of its treasures, around the year 925 BCE, leaving only the Ark of the Covenant. 2Chron. Xii. 2-4,9. “…And he took away the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the King’s house, he took way all.” Following up on this, and with the taking of Mount Carmel, Ashkelon and Gaza, Egypt regained suzerainty of Syria-Palestine. Shoshenq’s is responsible for a revival of the greatness of Egypt. Shoshenq’s son Iuput is chief priest and oversaw the building of the second pylon at the Temple of Karnak. Shoshenq’s reign will be followed by that of Osorkon I around 897 BCE. [80. 175] Around the time of when the Greek writer Homer is composing his master pieces.
940 BCE REHOBOAM (Rehav’am, 922-915 BCE) King of ancient Judah, son of Solomon, grandson of David. Rehoboam, meaning ‘he who enlarges the people’, was the third king of the house of David, and the first king of the Kingdom of Judea. Rehoboam’s mother was Naamah, ‘the Ammonitess’. During Rehoboam’s reign, the kingdom was divided into two parts with Rehoboam and heir of Solomon, ruling the Kingdom of Judah in the south; the Kingdom of Israel occupied the north. (248. 249)
Menorah of the Magdala Stone from the 2nd Temple of Jerusalem
MENELIK, son of Queen Makeda of Sheba and King Solomon of Israel is the first king of Axum capital of Ethiopia. Axum was founded by Sabean tribes of Semitic origin who moved from southern Arabia to the African highlands early first millennium BCE. Menelik is thought to have brought the Ark of the Covenant to Axum from the Temple of Solomon. The religion of this ancient country was that of the Sabeans and organized as a triad of Heaven, Sea and Earth. These divisions of the world are represented by the gods Astar [Babylonian Ishtar-Venus] Beher and Medr. Other gods are Aksum and Mahrem who is identified as Mars. [361]
The descendants of Meneliks’ line are the Falashas, a group of Ethiopians claiming Jewish origin. The Falashas observe the traditions of Judaism in that they read the Bible in the Geez translation, which is an Ethiopian Semitic dialect, and which includes the Old Testament. They also read some Apocrypha, which are termed ‘hidden writings’. The Falashas do not know the Talmud. The name Falasha is Amharic for “stranger” and was given to them by other Ethiopians; they call themselves Beta Israel, “House of Israel”. (102) It is from this area that the future legendary figure Prester John is reputed to have come from. According to one author, St John is thought to have journeyed to this legendary kingdom of Prester/Preter John [297] that is Ethiopia.
c900 BCE A figurine of the Egyptian god RA with double plumes, is deposited in a sacred cave on Mount Dicte, Crete. The suggestion is that this placement connects RA to the Great Greek god Zeus, (55) and would indicate a line of descent or transference from Egyptian gods to Greek gods. Zeus will be born to the Great Mother Goddess Rhea in this same cave.
Around this time, the Celts start to move from the Danube region into France.
The great Greek God of Olympus