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Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Just at the moment, the Sun is in the zodiac sign of Cancer. Cancer’s emblem is the crab, forever moving sideways and trying to avoid any assault from more assertive creatures or quickly withdrawing into its protective shell; so sensitive and shy can our Cancerian be. 

The tropical zodiac signs are not the same as the constellation zodiac. The two zodiacs are two separate wheels, one rotating within the other. The zodiac of the constellations came first and was observed by the ancients. Then some bright spark decided to divide up the ecliptic belt [pathway of the Sun] into 12 matching signs. Trouble is, due to the astronomical phenomena of ‘Precession’, the two wheels no longer align as they once did. The result is that the Tropical zodiac sign of Cancer now appears against the background of the Constellation stars of Gemini. Not to worry, as long as you know which system you are working with. Famous Indian astrologers prefer to work with the constellations.


Cancerians of the Tropical zodiac, on a good day are warm and fuzzy and mothering or fathering towards the world and those needing a bit of support. On a bad day they are ‘crabby’, snappy and difficult to be with because life is irritating their acute sensitivities. This may have something to do with the rhythms of the moon who has a special association with this sign. The moon of course is moody as it waxes and wanes and fluctuates in force over its monthly tour sailing the waters of the sky.

The esoteric ruler of Cancer, according to Alice Bailey, ‘Esoteric Astrology’, is Neptune, the big blue gaseous planet who is about to move from Pisces into the Tropical zodiac sign of Aries. That’s the Neptune king of the sea leaving his home territory of Pisces after thirteen years! Where have you been for the last thirteen years; dreaming, following the spiritual path or just plain muddling through the complexities of life? Consult with your Piscean friends and neighbours and compare notes. 

Neptune in astrology represents the creative and imaginative faculties of humans and which has been a shared experience over the last thirteen years as we created our own virtual worlds with the aid of new technology of the internet. 

Bast, Egyptian Moon Cat goddess

On the 4th of July the Sun was with the bright star Sirius; isn’t that the day of American Independence – yes! it is, and it is also the start of the Ancient Egyptian Siriac calendar and of the Nile flooding, that is, before the Aswan dam was built and the natural flow interrupted.


Alice Bailey’s, ‘Esoteric Astrology’ can be pretty hard reading. As an introduction to the complication of her book, ‘The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation’, is a good starting place.

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