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Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 The glorious sun has now entered the gentle but astute sign of Tropical Virgo, the sign of the Virgin. Virgo people like to be neat and organised, in their striving for cleanliness and purity in their life. These qualities taken to extreme become ‘nit-picking’ and overly critical of themselves and all those around. Then there are those who rebel in their own quiet way and take to the bohemian road of complete disregard for the conventional ways of living. Now the Virgo influenced person is inclined to spurn the rules of ‘neat and tidy’ or the careful attention to practicalities and duty.


This sign has always been a bit of a mystery, especially as it is really difficult to have a baby if you are a virgin – or is it. The fact that Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury would point to a mental virgin rather than a physical one; that is, someone with uncorrupted thinking processes or a pure heart. Such a person is best placed to see things clearly and truthfully without personal prejudice and bias, therefore they can give birth to a truer ‘thought form’.


This part of the zodiac has been associated with the Virgin Mary carrier of the Christ principal, as personified in Jesus the Christos. Before Mary’s time there was the Egyptian Isis and her son Horus, the well-known god and goddess of ancient Egypt. It is quite likely that this zodiac sign refers to an Essene priestess or priest.


Fred Gettings spent 16 long years researching his book ‘The Secret Zodiac’, from which the following wood cut was taken of the ‘Wheat Maiden’, a symbol of the sign Virgo. Gettings has much to say about the zodiac located on the floor of the Basilica of San Minato in Florence, with reference to the Virgin giving birth to the Piscean Sun/son.


Virgo people have careful thinking processes that can take them to the height of their profession, and equally are they careful and practical in producing their creations, which are often in the form of potting and weaving, two very basic and essential crafts of survival.


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