We now reach another of the four cosmic angles of the year. This one is the Aries Equinox, a time of equal day and night, a time of yearly outpourings of a new pulse of energy at the beginning of a new cosmic year.
Spell 85 ‘I am the soul of Re who issued from the Abyss….’
Ram of Aries [Egyptian Book of the Dead]
In the northern hemisphere this important time of year in the natural earth cycle indicates the beginning of spring. In the southern hemisphere this same point in space and time indicates the beginning of autumn in the natural earth cycle of the seasons. But in the greater cosmic cycle we are looking at the inflow of a new impulse of fresh energies from the cosmic sea and which have a general influence on both sides of the globe.
The March Equinox is also called the Vernal Point or the First Point and is designated mathematically as 0 degrees of the Ecliptic circle [imaginary path of the sun]. It is the time of year when the day and night are of equal length, and marks the starting point of a new cosmic Earth year. The second point of equal day and night is at the September Equinox. Over the course of approximately 25,800 years [rounded out to 26,000] a period referred to as the ‘Great Year’, the Vernal Point referred to moves backwards across the constellations at the rate of approximately 2,000 years per grouping of stars, each grouping known as a constellation. There are 12 Ecliptic constellations as viewed from Earth and as this Vernal Point passes each constellation; a new era of human development is marked out. The groupings of stars or constellations have been named since ancient times and referred to as ‘Ages’. In order of precession, they are Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus and Aries. Precession is caused by a slow rotation of the Earth’s axis over a long period of time. A correlating change of ‘Pole’ star, to which the axis is directed, also occurs. Research reveals that long ages of historical periods correlate with this movement of the Earth’s axis.
Astrologically this Vernal Point has inherited the initiatory force of the qualities of Aries. This initiatory force is now working at a cosmic level through the constellation Aquarius. Thus we have the new age term ‘Age of Aquarius’. The transition from constellation Pisces to Aquarius has been a long and gradual one as there are no rigidly defined boundaries. Many astrologers believe that we are now well and truly into the beginning of this new 2000 year ‘Age of Aquarius’. Evidence might be seen in the fact that as a human race we are fighting for human rights on a global scale. But we are also seeing the downside of individual freedoms being suppressed for the greater ‘good’ of the whole. It is believed that the Mayan Calendar’s reference to the end of 2012 is a reference to this coming new age, which of course goes hand in hand with the so called ‘destruction’ of the world or age that has gone before.
This Equinox of March 20th to 22nd follows close on the Full Moon and continues the stressful conditions that we have been seeing over the past months. Many will be called to task over the coming months, about how they are dealing with greed versus justice. Many things will continue to need radical adjustments, including the economy and all relationships, whether personal or global. Life is likely to be full of surprises and strange unexpected things as the Sun moves past the planet Uranus on its way into the ecliptic sign of Aries.
Spell 81A ‘I am this pure lotus which went forth from the sunshine….’
HYMN OF REBIRTH or of the Ogdoad to refresh the spirit and illumine the mind.
Be thou opened, O Earth, and ye trees, wave not your boughs;
I am about to sing the praise of Him who is both the ALL and the One.
Be ye opened, ye heavens, and ye winds, be still;
Let the immortal sphere of heaven receive my utterance.
For I am about to sing the praise of Him who created all things,
who fixed the earth, and hung heaven above;
who made the sweet water flow from Ocean into the lands wherein men dwell,
that it might serve for the sustenance of all mankind,
and gave command that fire should come forth,
to be used by gods and men in all their works.
Let us all with one accord give praise to Him,
who is seated high upon the heavens, creator of all that is.
It is He that is the eye of my mind;
may He accept the praise sung by my Powers.
Ye Powers that are within me, praise ye the One and ALL
sing ye in concord with my will, all ye Powers that are within me.
O holy Knowledge, by thee am I illumined,
and through thee do I sing praise to the incorporeal Light.
I rejoice in joy of mind;
rejoice with me, all ye Powers.
And do thou, O Continence, sing praise;
and thou, Endurance;
and thou, my Justice, praise the All through me;
O Truth, sing praise to Truth.
O Good that is in me, praise the Good;
O Life and Light, from you comes the song of praise, and to you does it go forth.
I give thanks to thee, O Father, who workest in my Powers;
I give thanks to thee ,O God.
Thus crying, the Powers that are in me accomplish thy will;
praising the All, they fulfil thy purpose.
It is thy Word that through me sings thy praise;
for by thee, O Mind, is my speech shepherded.
Through me accept from all an offering of speech;
for the All is from thee, and to thee returns the All.
O Light, illumine thou the mind that is in us;
O Life, keep my soul alive.
Thy man cries thus to thee by means of the things thou has made;
but he has got from thine eternity the praises which he utters.
I have seen that which I seek;
I have found rest according to thy purpose;
by thy will I am born again.
The Hymn of Rebirth is to be sung in an open place, facing south at the hour of sunset or facing east at the hour of sunrise. Let all nature receive the sound of my hymn. Hermes, Libellus XIII.