The sun has now moved into the sign of Taurus, symbolised by the bull. What a lovable little creature the young calf is, but watch out as they grow big. Some still maintain that seductive doe eyed gentleness, whilst others snort in rage when you get in their way.
Now this boisterous bull is ruled by the gentle and beautiful planet Venus and that should give us some clue to the other side of our Taurean. You have meet Venus before in the sign of Libra, now we again make her acquaintance as ruler of Taurus. When associated with the zodiac sign of Taurus, the qualities of Venus acquire a more practical and earthly expression of herself. You will see the Taurean Venus in the policeman maintaining harmony by applying man’s version of law and order. You will see the practical side of Venus in the ecstatic expressions of the artist and the dancer giving practical expression to the Taurean love of beauty.
Like most signs, Taurus can sometimes be hard to pin down, yet each sign shares an undeniable likeness of basic qualities and principles of that shared sign by those born with the sun in the same sign. What most of us forget is that an individual has a whole birth chart of 10 planets and is not only the sun.
So why do we need a bull in the zodiac? Because someone has to shovel the opposition out of the way or we would never advance as a group. Some bulls will literally go at the opposition with a full head on butt, whilst other bulls take the subtle gentle approach of silent stubbornness, in pursuit of their aims. Each one needs to harness these admirable qualities with an eye to the bigger picture so that they do not get caught on a one-track path that cannot see the beauty of other ways. For Beauty is essential to the soul of the Taurean – beauty of nature, of artifice, and of money for the beauty that it can procure.
It must not be forgotten that the great star Aldebaran of the constellation Taurus is the ‘All Seeing Eye’ and font of great wisdom. Vera Stanley Alder writes on this wisdom in ‘Finding the Third Eye’. The Finding of the Third Eye
. Wisdom in Practice
Spring Time in Ancient Crete where the Bull of Minos was venerated.
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