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Thursday, April 28, 2016

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 17.

6000 BCE      NEOLITHIC CULTURE: This date is nominated by science as the start of the New Stone Age, when settled living, agriculture, pottery and megalithic tombs are apparent and replace the previous Palaeolithic life of hunting and gathering. Settlements along the Egyptian Nile reflect the rivers’ cycles as a guide for daily living and rituals. The African savannah becomes the Sahara desert. 
                       At this time, the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice sun is in the constellation Aries. By 600 CE, the sun will be seen in the constellation Aries at the Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox. Thus between 6000 BCE and 600 CE will be a quater turn of the ‘Great Year’.

5900 BCE      Champollion gives c5867 BCE as the date of the beginning of Dynastic Egypt and this date would accord with the legendary ‘Golden Age’.

c5600             MENA/MANU incarnates as Menes and founds the First Dynasty of Egypt at Memphis. Before this, Egypt was ruled by the Divine Kings of the Atlantean Dynasties.  

c5200             ADAPA is the Priest king of Eridu, Sumer. ERIDU is the oldest city in the world and a pre-dynastic Sumerian settlement. It dates from just before 5000 BCE and will survive to c2900 BCE when the foundations of the Sumerian dynasties will be laid.  At Tell el-Amarna, in the future, will be found tablets containing in Sumerian the oldest and fullest form of the myth of Adapa who was created by Ea as the ‘model of man’, hence the myth has been associated with the Biblical first man, Adam. 

c5000             This is the predynastic period of ancient Egypt according to some authors. Groups of people begin to gather in settled communities to lay the foundations for future cultures. The main centres of population developed in the Delta and along the banks of the Nile. The regular inundation of the Nile begins in late June at the ‘First Cataract’ and reaches the northern areas by late September. Egypt is known as Kemet (the Black Land) and the desert as Deshret (the Red Land). This land of Kemet falls into two kingdoms that of North and South, which themselves were divided into regions called nomes, there being 22 in all. The capital of the Northern Kingdom (Lower Egypt) and centre of the king’s residence is Pe (near Dep later called Buto). It is the land of the Red Crown and worship is of the cobra-goddess Edjo. The capital of the Southern Kingdom (Upper Egypt) and centre of its king’s residence, is Nekhen (Hieraconpolis near Edfu). It is the White Land of the White Crown and worship is of the vulture-goddess Nekhbet. A foreign input will change things around 3400 BCE and the two kingdoms will be united under one crown about 3100 BCE. 

The ‘All-seeing Eye’ [of Ra or Horus] guarded by the Two Ladies: White vulture goddess Nekhbet, guardian of the south Upper Egypt. Red cobra goddess Wadjet guardian of the north Lower Egypt or Delta region. They become the two uraei on the forehead of the future Pharaohs of united Egypt. [Lamy]

                       At this present time, the Egyptian constellation Hes-mut (Raging Mother) or Tanem, known later as the Hippopotamus or Crocodile, is circumpolar. The crocodile equates with the dragon or serpent. Part of this constellation will become known as Draco to the western cultures. The Egyptian constellation Necht is also associated with the future constellation called Draco. 
                       At this date the star Tuart Isis of the constellation Hes-mut (modern Eltanin, constellation Draco) ceased to be Pole Star.

                        The future city URUK of ancient Sumeria is first settled around this time, at a site SE of the future Baghdad, Iraq. It is also the city of the future Gilgamesh (2700 BCE) and referred to in the Bible as Erech. The city developed around two sacred centres called Kullab and Eanna. Eanna is dedicated to the goddess Inanna and contains a ziggurat; to the west of Kullab, is located the ‘White Temple’ and the ‘Ziggurat of Anu’. Anu is the god of the heavens or abzu. Here also will be located the later Seleucid (Iraqian dynasty) Temple of Irrigal.

Summerian Mother Goddess Inanna/Ishtar [Larousse]

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