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Monday, July 4, 2016

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. 19

c4000 BCE     Libyan migrations are made to Crete, and there are Mycenaean fortifications at the site that will become the Acropolis of Athens in the future. Biblical Shushsan/Susa is also founded around this time and will form the capital of Elam in the future. Its location is at the head of the Persian Gulf.  This is the country of the Elamites, East of Sumer.
                       From 4000 BCE to 1 CE the heliacal rising of Sirius occurs about July 16 (Julian Calendar) marking the beginning of the Sothic Year at the Summer Solstice. The Neomenia or 1st New Moon of the lunar calendar, occurs during the 9th Sothic month, approximately March 13th to April 11th.
                       MONTU/MENTHU also known as Montu-RA.  At this time the city of Iwnw or ancient Hermonthis, is one of the most important places of worship for the god Montu, known as the ‘Lord of Thebes’. As a bull form of the sun god, he is believed to be a personification of the sun’s destructive heat and will eventually become known as a god of war.


                        In Ancient Egypt there are the recorded beginnings of geometry and arithmetic based on a method of doubling. Note that Taurus is a mathematician’s sign and this is the Age of Taurus. Such a method of mathematical doubling, is reminiscent of that used in future computing techniques and called the binary system. There is evidence of the development of calendars and of the earliest script known by the Sumerians.

                        ANCIENT EGYPTIAN civilization, as recorded in history, emerges in the region of the Nile valley in the 4th millennium BCE and continues until 30 BCE when the region will be annexed to the Roman Empire. Egypt is divided into two parts at the present time; Lower Egypt of the Nile delta is centred on the capital Heliopolis (ancient city of On and the worship of the solar disk Aten or Ra-Horakhti) and Upper Egypt, from the delta to the 2nd Cataract, is centred on Hermopolis. The two kingdoms will be united by Menes in about 3100 BCE when the god Amon will  become the dominant god in the capital of Thebes.  Akhenaton (1329 BCE) will later resurrect the older god On of that ancient city.

c3800 BCE     IRAN: at Tepe Vahya are found the earliest known artefacts of smelted copper. This development will be followed by the era of Bronze technology, an alloy of copper and arsenic or antimony. 

3670               The Pleiades, an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Taurus, cease to mark the important Vernal Equinox at the Fayum of Egypt.

3500                PELASGUS: according to Greek myth is the first man sprung from the soil of Arcadia. He is the ancestor of the Pelasgians, a race that sprang from the teeth of the serpent Ophion. This race may be composed of people who migrated from Palestine to mainland Greece about 3500 BCE. In about 700 years into the future the early Hellads from Asia Minor will come and integrate with these people. ‘Pelasgians’ became loosely applied to all pre-Hellenic inhabitants in Greece.

c3500             ENLIL: king of the gods of Sumeria has his cult centre at Nippur, the chief religious centre of this civilization, which is flourishing around the city-states of Uruk, Ur, Nippur, Eridu and Lagash, in Lower Mesopotamia. The Warka culture follows on from the Obeid culture and trade is extending into Egypt and Asia Minor. There is evidence of metal tools, irrigation, agriculture, astronomy, cosmology, a lunar calendar and the wheel. The Sumerians produce the earliest script known, that of the Sumerian Cuneiform, allowing the recording of history, epic poems and meditations on the meaning of life. At the focal point of the city-state is the temple complex, which had developed out of mud brick rectangular rooms into the great ziggurat. Attached to either the temple or the palace was the edubba (tablet house) which served as a training school for scribes. Four main gods existed, that of heaven (fire) that of air, earth and water. Before Enlil, the chief god was An, god of heaven the abzu. An or Anu, the air god is later replaced by Enlil. Enki Ea is the god of water, Inanna the goddess of love and war; Utu the sun god and Nanna the moon god. Nin-Kas- “the lady who fills the mouth’ was the goddess of beer and therefore fermentation, which reminds one of the Egyptian Hathor.
                       At this time the Ghassulian culture in the Jordan valley of Palestine is using copper and stone. The dead are buried with food and utensils. Eight pointed stars appear in wall decoration.

c3500 BCE     HATHOR: At the time of Enlil in Mesopotamia, great temples to Hathor were being built at Denderah, Egypt, and to the goddess Mut at Thebes. These temples are aligned to the rising of the star Tuart, know in the future as Eltanin in the constellation Draco.  The Temple of Denderah (Annu) is one of initiation in Egypt and as an important centre of the mystery-cultus of this civilization is dedicated to Hat-Hor, the ancient title for the Virgin Mother. It is also the location of a famous planisphere, added in a future reconstruction of the temple. (85)

                       Predynastic Egypt emphasised a belief in the afterlife among the circumpolar stars. This may be due to either the constellation Ursa Major or the star Arcturus, being their ancestral home. The dynastic Egyptians put more accent on the solar god RA [as recorded in pyramid hieroglyphs] and an after life spent with the sun god.

                       It could be suggested that the Atlantean Priest Race overlaid on existing primitive human cultures at various places, such as Egypt and Mesopotamia etc. The Atlanteans may also be the origin of the serpent cult based on the star worship of the Draco serpent. Although Manetho is attributed with having introduced the Serpent cult into Alexandria from Greece in the 3C BCE, the cult may have gone from Egypt to Greece and back again.

Hathor's Temple at Denderah

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