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Tuesday, May 15, 2018


A good time to start on that exercise program and avoid being a lazy couch potato. Ease back on the sweet cookies and all that delicious luxury goods. Show your love of nature and the natural beauty that surrounds you. Demonstrate all the affection and generosity that you can muster. Thus, your month can be one of bliss in the garden of Eden.

HATHOR goddess of Taurus; guardian of the eastern gate.

All hail, Jubilation to you, O Golden One,
Sole ruler, Uraeus of the Supreme Lord himself! 
Mysterious one who gives birth to the divine entities,
forms the animals, models them as she pleases, fashions men.
O Mother!...Luminous One who thrusts back the
darkness, who illuminates every human creature with her rays,
Hail, Great One of many names.
You from whom the divine entities come forth in this your name of Mut-Isis!
You-who-cause the throat to breathe, daughter of 
Re, whom he spat forth from his mouth in this your name of Tefnut!
O Neith who appeared in your barque in this your
                                                          name of Mut!
O Venerable Mother, you who subdue your
                                                          adversaries in this your name of Nekhebet!
O You-who-know-how-to-make-right-use-of-the-
                                                          heart, you who triumph over your enemies in
                                                          this your name of Sekhmet!
It is the Golden One...the lady of drunkenness of
                                                          music, of dance, of frankincense, of the crown,
                                                          of young women, whom men acclaim because they love her!
It is the Gold of the divine entities who comes forth at 
                                                          her season, in the month of Epiphi, the day of the 
                                                          new moon, at the festival of 'She is Delivered'....
Heaven makes merry, the earth is full of gladness,
                                                          the Castle of Horus rejoices.

(Translation after M. Alliot, Le Culte d'Horus a Edfou. Lamy)

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