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Monday, November 6, 2023



Plutonic Mars, that sounds like a mouth full. Mars and Pluto are the two planets associated with the sign of Scorpio, Mars of physical energy and war, linking up with Pluto the god of what is hidden underground, of potential power, and quite often what has to come to the surface and does so in a most forceful way. That’s a powerful combination.


Mars is also associated with the zodiac sign of Aries. In the natal or birth chart, Mars signifies physical strength and activity. It is also the will and determination to follow through on an idea. It is the heat of the body and passion.


Mars was the ultimate Roman god – the god of war, as in conquering circumstances in order to build an Empire. Athena is a female version of the warrior in the Greek Pantheon.

                                                           Greek Goddess Athena


But Athena was also venerated for her care and protection of the natural world and of human workers. 


Before being a war god, Mars was a god of the Earth and Nature, of that force which keeps things growing and changing, the cycle of life. This brings us to the other planet said to be associated with Scorpio, Pluto, the god of the otherworld, of hidden riches and raw life force.


In ancient Egypt the underworld is associated with the god Anubis who leads the soul to discover the mysteries of the hidden world.


Anubis leads the soul of Hunefer 

towards the mysteries of the secret world.


R. O. Faulkner has published a classic translation of these Egyptian mysteries called ‘The Coming Forth by Day’ under its more popular title ‘The Book of the Dead’.


In traditional astrology there were only 7 acknowledged planets, then with the aid of ever increasing discovery and invention another 3 planets were discovered and entered into human consciousness. That’s not a problem, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto had always been there, just not seen, and their ‘appearance’ simply signified another stage in human ongoing evolution or growing awareness. However, it did set the human’s a challenge to find out where the energies of the 3 new kids on the block should fit in, but true to their nature the astrologers solved this problem.


Alan Leo, known affectionately as the ‘father’ of modern astrology was also a Theosophist of 19th century and his chore was to bring back the spiritual dimension into ‘popular’ astrology with the aid of what these 3 ‘outer’ planets might signify for evolving human consciousness. Unfortunately Pluto had not yet appeared on the scene when he was writing, so his books have nothing to say on the matter, but otherwise, his many volumes are a treasure trove to the serious student.


Mars with the planet Venus signify complimentary energies; the quality of assertiveness and the quality of compliance are brought together in these two planets. When these two principles of action and reception get together on a good day, there is a spontaneous dance of life and love, often depicted by the Hindu god Siva whose dancing symbolises the 5 cosmic functions of creation, conservation, destruction, incarnation and liberation.



Siva dancing [from Larousse]


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