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Thursday, November 16, 2023

AAL’S LABYRINTH HISTORY An Alternative Viewpoint…..contd. #54


Through the 8th to the-4th centuries BCE there is an intense mixing of cultures through war, invasion and migration; those peoples of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Assyrian and Persian nations. The Assyrians will destroy the ancient Babylonian Empire and rebuild it during this century under their Empire. The Assyrians will destroy the Babylonian Empire and rebuild it during this century. Magna Graecia will be created by a succession of Ionian, Achaean and Dorian colonists. (182) There commences a second period of cultural and trade contact between Greece and Mesopotamia [350]



786 BCE         There is the occurrence of an exact heliacal rising of the star Spica at the Northern Autumnal Equinox on September 29th 786 BCE. The exact heliacal rising of the star Spica on an Autumnal Equinox on a Sabbath-day is called The Great Sabbath and marks this as a time of great importance for world affairs.  The Equinox Points at this time are recorded as sidereal Aries-Libra 13.8 degrees. (30)

Saturn the ruler of Saturday the Sabbath 

a time of prayer and study.

753                   ROMULUS is the first king of the Roman civilization and he establishes Roma, centre of Latium, lying between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Apennine mountains. In 509 BCE, Rome will be established as a Republic, guided by two elected consuls who will eventually replace the king as ruler. (182)

                       Romulus consulted the gods and by their instructions laid out the sacred boundary of this first city of the Roman Empire. The first temple erected is to the god Jupiter Feretrius. Some of the major sacred festivals established at this time would continue to be celebrated for the next thousand years. At one of these rituals, the first Romans carried off the women of the neighbouring Sabine tribes of ‘star watchers’ who had come to observe proceedings. This event became known as the ‘Rape of the Sabines’. 

The Roman God Jupiter symbol 

Of Thunder and Lightening

                       Long before Romulus, the site of Rome had been occupied by exiles from Arcadia in Greece. These exiles were led by the Greek King Evander who established Greek religious customs in Italy, such as that of the ‘Rite of Hercules’. It is King Evander who welcomed the Trojan hero Aeneas after he left that burning city of Troy to re-establish a new Troy in Italy. Thus, Aeneas of the twelfth century BCE had previously established Lavinium and Alba Longa nearby where Rome is now to stand. Aeneas brought the statue of the goddess Pallas Athena from Troy to Italy for the establishment of the temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum, and there to be attended by the Vestal Virgins.

703 BCE            NUMA, the second king of Roma, will be responsible for expanding the priesthood of Salii and establishing the first Roman ritual calendar. Numa will also found the temple of Janus, the god who looks both ways at the point where the year changes from the past to the future. The fifth king of Roma will be an Etruscan called Tarquin the Elder and he will add to the Capitoline Hill, temples to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. (324)

750                  ISAIAH a Hebrew prophet who lived and worked in Jerusalem from about 750-700 BCE. His prophetic ministry inspired the ‘Book of Isaiah’ in the ‘Old Testament’ of the Hebrews. (196) where is says, ‘A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jess, and a branch shall grow out of his roots’. (Is.11:1) This Messianic theme is of a new anointed one to come, upon whom the spirit is rested and who will exercise the office of king in virtue of this gift of spirit. Isaiah regards the anointed one’s commission as consisting pre-eminently in the establishment of divine justice on Earth. The anointed one is given such divine properties as omniscience and power to cause death by word alone. Isaiah makes reference to one who is to come in the future who is to spring from ‘the root of Jess’, the father of David. It is a new ‘David’ at whose advent Jahweh will restore the glory of the original Davidic Empire. It is suggested that the old Jerusalem will fall and the new ruler will come from Bethlehem. The question is posed: ‘Had the reigning members of the house of David lost their divine functions? And that the monarchy from David’s time had become a false development? Did the prophets (Isaiah and Micah) expect Jahweh to start again with a new messianic line?’ (197)

                         Isaiah spoke at a time when the kingdom of Israel was near its end and the dynasty of David faced peril. The dynasty had fallen from the ideal of even a good secular ruler. Isaiah formulated the previously proposed idea of an eternal dynasty presenting the ideal king in four titles; ‘Wonderful counsellor, Divine hero, Father forever, Prince of peace’, which all sounds very Egyptian. These titles designate a state of complete well-being of body and mind, of internal and external order. The ideal king is to be adopted as the son of the Lord. (198) A sun king.

A Sun King

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