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Sunday, January 19, 2025




AQUARIUS: is a fixed sign of the positive or active element of AIR. The element of Air has an abstract quality to it that suits the idea of intangible things like thinking and wave formations. Air is hard to grasp or contain but is almost a magical medium for carrying subtle things and influences, thus allowing them to circulate freely. Air is refined and communicatory, so it is associated with intelligent activity and human cooperation and interaction. In particular the Air sign of Aquarius loves the freedom of such activities, the more involved the merrier. However, Aquarius can be a little awkward in wanting to stay independent and not get too emotionally involved with the group. This is the sign of independent people yet also of the stubborn. Perhaps this has something to do with the double rulership of the sign Aquarius. This time of the year has the continuing influence of the planet Saturn. We met Saturn in the previous sign of Capricorn and noticed his demand of care and organisation and getting things done. Now Saturn is joined by the planet Uranus as co-ruler and who wants to do everything differently, to break away from those previous formalities and set rules, in order to discover the new and exciting. Chaotic confusion comes to mind! 

The Aquarian time of year is a time to get the ‘little grey cells’ active, to break out of the rut of winter [or the too hot summers of the southern hemisphere]. Leave behind conventions for the time being and seek out what is different but try not to rebel too much if you wish to keep life relatively on track. This is the time of year to utilise that little flash of genius that we can all experience and which can keep life interesting. Is there a new way of doing the same old same old? Is there a new Uranian discovery to which you can give Saturnian boundaries in a practical application of the airy idea? Be warned though, that once a path has been chosen the Aquarian force doesn’t give up easily and may push you beyond what you can comfortably handle. A time of year to enjoy your friends and group associations or the freedom of the club down the road.

‘The Wing’. Ken Kelleher.

Aquarius is the month of the 11th Labour for the Solar Hero Hercules. As the Hero of the Solar Trail, Hercules must now clean out the Augean cattle stables where the muck of centuries has been allowed to accumulate. The king of Augea had never meet anyone willing to serve without recompense and so suspected Hercules to be after his throne in offering to complete such an unpleasant task. To protect his possession, the king bargained with Hercules. He said that if Hercules could clean the stables in just a day he would win 1/10 of the royal cattle; if he could not do this then Hercules was to forfeit his life. Hercules went on to accomplish his task by diverting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus through the stables and thus flushed them out in one swift action. Of course the king was not happy to lose his cattle and turned face to refuse the gift to Hercules. It was the rivers and not Hercules who accomplished the task, said the king, and banished Hercules from his kingdom.

The cosmic ‘Age of Aquarius’, an astrological period of approximately 2000 years, is symbolised by the constellation of Aquarius, which has a resonance with the zodiac sign of the same name. This new age of evolution is now upon us and according to one author actually began its influence around the year 1750; that was just before the French Revolution as people craved for Liberty, Freedom and Equality, and were prepared to die for it. These are themes very much dear to the heart of the true Aquarius nature, whether individuals or of a social era of history. As the new great age of 2000 years gets underway, more and more people will become awakened or aware of greater possibilities in life for this freedom of intellect that Aquarian influences can bring to Earth. The symbol of this sign and constellation is that of the cleansing and purifying power of water; at an individual level and a cosmic level. Light is said to travel through the heavens in a wave form and may be termed the ‘waters of heaven’. Today we use these light waves to carry communications at great speed around the world. Are we utilising these waters to cleanse and purify or to pollute our minds and the planet Earth. As ever it is the choice presented to the human will. This time of year, we should meditate upon these possibilities.

The Hindu god Vishnu first manifested to man as a great fish who came in the nick of time to tow man’s life raft and save some human’s from the world ‘Deluge’ that came as a purifying force to humanity. A similar god, by the name of Oannes is recorded in the mythology of the ancient Babylonians. More recently, Jesus or Joshua was called NUN the son of the fish god but you won’t hear of this beyond the fish shaped mitre helmet of the church priest.

At night in the cool, under the influence of the moon, the air becomes impregnated with moisture. This moisture, known as honey-dew, collects the essence of the early morning light and allows us to breath in the cosmic essence or energy for our benefit. Get up early and hail the new morning Light, Life and Love; then share your new energies with others as you trundle through your day.  Look beyond the wants of self and willing share what you know and have so that the group you belong to can benefit, whether family, interest group or company. Silently and quietly aid in the cleansing of the world of its grief and pollution. The standing lake is a limited force, the power is in allowing the waters to follow their natural path says the I Ching.

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