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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Vega new cycle 2025

 On this day the Sun is in alignment with the great star Vega/Wega of the constellation Lyra.

From the Southern Hemisphere, Cygnus flies up from the North. ]
Vega of the Lyre is in the sky in alignment with the Sun.

The star Vega was anciently known as the ‘Messenger of Light’. It is the star towards which our Sun is slowly travelling. This day is the day that the three wise men were lead to the Christ in the manger on the 13th day of his birth, to present him with 3 gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold. It is the day that reveals an aspect of God or the Christos as incarnate in the man child Jesus.

In mythology, the constellation Lyra, the Harp of the Sun god Apollo, is closely linked with the great constellation known as Cygnus, the Swan, who in turn may be related to the ancient Egyptian concept of ‘MAAT’.  MAAT stands for justice, equilibrium, love and harmony, something we all hope for as we travel through the beginning of a new solar cycle. 


The Harp of the Sun god Apollo has 7 strings and plays out the cosmic song of creation to assist in raising human consciousness from Earth to Heaven. This is an echo of yesterdays’ 'Day 12' of the historical Christmas tide, a time when the 12 Drummers beat out the rhythm of creation in accordance to the song of the 12 days of Christmas.


The constellation Lyra, the Harp, is also closely associated with a celestial Eagle who holds the Harp in his claws. The Eagle is a symbol of the Sun god.

The Vulture or Eagle carries the Lyre

This is the Theosophical New Year’s Day when the ‘Mysteries’ are revealed to those prepared. It is the mystery of the life cycle of birth death and resurrection as encapsulated in the stories of Jesus-Mary and before that of Osiris-Isis and in between, the Greek Mysteries of the Mother goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. It is the day of fulfilment of Hercules 12 Labours and the preparation to the start of a new cycle of ‘Being’, to find its celebration in the ‘Easter Tide’ following the Aries Equinox. 


This 13th day of Christmas commences a tide of energy which reaches its culminating point in 40 days’ time at what we now call ‘Valentines’ day on the 14th February.

Sun aligned with the star Vega


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