19th February to 20th March
Spectrum: Sardonyx, jade. Blue-green colour.
PISCES: is a mutable sign of the negative or receptive element of WATER. This is the sign of adaptable water, that is, it is constantly on the move and reflecting all that passes by. Fluid and free flowing liquid can fill any vessel or channel or space of containment. Water is boundless, sometimes tranquil and sometimes a powerful and raging storm.
In particular, the Water Sign of Pisces is true to its symbol of duality in being often pulled in two directions by life; that of the physical needs and that of the spiritual calling. Sacrifice of self and helping other people is a driving force of the Piscean, they know how to do it from a natural drive to ‘be all things to all people’ and to follow the rhythmic ebb and flow of life with ease. Instinct, intuition and emotion drive a Piscean expression ‘to be’. As with the previous sign of Aquarius, the sign of Pisces has two planetary lords or rulers; this time it is Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter brings a joyous and optimistic note to our watery brooding Piscean nature and Neptune allows contact with the mystical world of spirit, that undefined energy of the cosmos. The combined planetary influence adds a great note of expansion to everything done and thought, one has to be careful under such an influence, not to let things get out of control in a limitless desire for what is not really possible. This Piscean time of year is one of letting go to a certain degree so that we may touch those dreams and inspirations of the soul. In an odd way the previous solar cycle is dissolving now and we must prepare for the coming Aries Equinox, when a new input of cosmic energy can be felt. This is a time for cultivating greater understanding of people close and afar, of their trials and tribulations, and where possible, offers a helping hand. Others must bring their dreams and inspirations down to the Earth plane and communicate their thoughts to those around ,through paintings, poetry, writing, music and scientific solutions found. You too can join the flow by finding some relaxation in dancing and swimming or simply observing our aquatic friends, or even buying a new pair of shoes for our feet according to Piscean rulership. To be impressed is easy, to give those impression useful application takes a little more work of practical reality.Now Hercules enters upon his 12th and final labour of the solar cycle. It is a labour of love and summing up all his trials to squeeze from the long year of experience as much conscious growth as possible. This 12th Labour is to acknowledge and accomplish a dissolution of situations that have bound you, such as bad habits and foolish thoughts. It is a time to become less judgemental and to see yourself as but part of the whole. The result is a new unification of all thought, feeling and action so that as a ‘new’ person you can take a further step forward with the coming new astrological year at the Aries Ingress. Some call this the ‘Alchemical’ process. A temporary obliteration of the personality may occur and can be beneficially allowed to happen. How does one allow this to occur in a happy way so that a new light or awareness can be achieved in readiness for the coming new cycle of action and being?. Submerging the personality for a short time allows the spirit to soar unhampered to the spiritual realm or the realm of the inner and true self. In this 12th Labour Hercules must gather up the Red Cattle of Geryon, as a summary of his journey, before returning home himself. Help to accomplish this chore comes in the form of a magical golden chalice that fell from the sky. And so our hero gathers up the wayward energies symbolised by the Red Cattle and delivers them back to the sacred city as an offering to Athene the goddess of wisdom.
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