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Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 The sun is now in the zodiac sign of Aquarius said to have as its ruler the planet Uranus the disturber of complacency. Aquarians shares with Saggi the thirst for adventure, albeit more of the mind than the body. Aquarius also shares with Capricorn the ability to work to the rules of Saturn. If these widely opposing traits of adventure and rules can be successfully combined, you may have here the potential for a genius; but remember that Saturn requires you to be humble about it, should you discover that your destiny allows you to reach way beyond lesser mortals. Genius has the hubris of devastation.

That’s a strange sign, air and water combined; or does the water stand for something else that we cannot explain, yet has the quality of fluidity and waves? Aquarians are attracted to waves and unseen energies, combined with their naturally creative side they probably like photography, others like to play with particle matter, others definitely live with their heads in the stars or flying through the sky in dreams or more practically in an aeroplane. Whatever level of expression they find themselves at, Aquarians use their creativity to penetrate the mysteries of life, the universe and everything, either professionally or as a part-time interest. The flow of electricity is another of Aquarius-Uranian interests.

Hapi, Egyptian god of the waters [Budge]

Like the preceding sign of Scorpio, Aquarius has a dual rulership which means that two planets are associated with this sign, in this case it is Saturn the keeper of time and Uranus the breaker of those very time boundaries; oh, what confusion. No wonder some stick with the safe routine of Saturn in order to avoid the disorientation of rocking the boat too much under the influence of Uranus. So, like Scorpio, the Aquarian has much to deal with in the apparent conflicts within its nature. Some tread the same old road of Saturn where they know what to expect and feel safe. Others are more adventurous Aquarians and follow the eerie call of Uranus and don’t let the continual upsets and surprises of life flurry them in the pursuit for their variety of the truth. Some Aquarians cannot resist the weird and wonderful.

‘The Wing’ by sculptor Ken Kelleher

Uranus & Saturn conversing?

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