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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Radical Uranus

 The planet Uranus has a special affinity with the sign of Aquarius. Saturn was the traditional ruler of this sign and still maintains its influence, for not all can respond positively to the rarefied atmosphere of Uranus, well not until they have passed the tests of Saturn. The Uranian influence was consciously added to our living experience of the planet Saturn, when it was rediscovered in 1781.

Kronos, reaper, time keeper and boundary marker

Saturn experience, and labour, lays down the much needed preparations and foundations for life and action so that the Uranian genius and inspiration has a solid platform to work from – the engineer needs good training in theoretical mathematics before reaching the point of being able to make the inventions and designs functional; the artist and writer needs to practise their techniques to give form to their dreams and imagination; the astrologer/astronomer needs years of observing and perfecting calculations before being able to apply the information intuitively to his/her understanding of people, events and the world; a successful revolution driven by Uranian forces needs the careful planning and organization of Saturn if it is to meet its intended purpose, that is to overthrow what used to be. Can you see the potentially useful balance of Saturn and Uranus energies combined? Without Saturn discipline and hard work, Uranus cannot manifest the change, the genius, in any positive and sustained way that is of use to use in our material world.


Uranus, deity of the starry sky, can fly because although he doesn’t like or observe boundaries, he has to utilise them, for unfortunately that is the way our material world works. The Female polarity of Uranus is the Egyptian sky goddess Nut.

The Egyptian Nut goddess of the starry night overarching creation. 

Related to the Greek/Roman god Uranus the smasher of boundaries.

Saturn lays the boundaries and the rules and then a Uranian influence comes along and wakens us up to greater possibilities, either accepted or not. Imaginative ideas need a structure within which to work. Have you ever tried flying without wings; have you ever had wonderful ideas that you couldn’t catch; have you only thought about the idea of doing good for the group? If you have then perhaps you need a little more Saturn structure and application in your life to define and execute these wonderful ideas. Combine the principles of these two planetary influences and you have unique rhythms and potential of extraordinary output.

The Tarot Magician

As Dione Fortune says, ‘If we try to escape from the discipline of matter before we have mastered the lessons of matter, we are not advancing heavenwards but suffering from arrested development.’

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