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Friday, September 27, 2024


 The sun is now passing through the Tropical zodiac sign of Libra, the sign of the Scales of Balance and Justice, which may account for the Libran tendency to weigh up matters, sometimes to the point of extreme annoyance for those observing and in futile procrastination for themselves. But where would we be without them on a good day when they can maintain the harmony and balance of relationships so essential to profitable progress. Such progress in personal development is well guided through AMORC and probably would contribute much to the world situation at the moment. When will we give up war and see another’s point of view?

    Libran Scales of Justice 

The beautiful planet Venus has a close attachment to the sign Libra, so that when the whole is synchronising, there is much peace and love in the world. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that anything associated with this sign and planet is therefore simplistic and empty headed just because it likes peace and quiet. The complicated cycles of Venus, if studied will soon dispel this mistaken view.

The Birth of Venus

The Swan is an emblem of Venus and Libra, symbol of their desire to bring love and companionship to its highest form; but neither the swan nor the Libran enjoys being caged simply for another’s pleasure alone. Libran Swans can dance the dance of peace but should this condition be disturbed, watch out for an attack in order to return that peaceful and tranquil state. Everything has its two sided nature!!

The swan has the magic of music in it movement. It is the desire for love and harmony, for justice seen to be done, that can sometimes make the Libran quite combative and whirl into a flurry of fury and indignation. Watch a full grown mother swan in flight when her babies are threatened. Librans can often be found amongst those fighting for human rights and defending those unable to do so for themselves, and even going to war if this is the only way perceived to return the missing equilibrium. That is, unless it is a Libran on an eternal holiday of rest, relaxation, coffee mornings and sun baths, because they just couldn’t get up the energy to take part in life!

This image is an 18th Century woodcut of Tressan’s retelling of the story of Tristan and Iseult from the Arthurian cycle. It is a party but hides something deeper for those who would chase the Grail Cup.

Around the 17th October the Sun will be with the star Spica which marks the ear of corn held by the Virgin in that constellation. Although bearing the same name, the constellation is not the same space as the Tropical sign of the Virgin. The constellation and the Ecliptic sign once coincided but due to the phenomena of ‘Precession’ they have moved apart. Some systems of Astrology still use the celestial groups of stars rather than the 30 degree divisions of the Ecliptic.

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