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Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 The beautiful planet of Venus is closely associated with the sign of Libra and with that of Taurus. Venus is the planet of love and harmony bringing the desire for companionship and reconciliation after the war of competition. Venus likes to eat and dance, to make music and create. Venus needs to find her comfort zone and enjoy that pleasure to its fullest until she grows wise, then she needs to satisfy the mind.  The Egyptian goddess Hathor is often equated with the planet Venus due to her love of music and dance. But Hathor does also have more serious missions to perform.

Egyptian goddess Hathor, representing the planet Venus, 

welcoming Pharaoh Seti into the ‘After Life’.


All hail, Jubilation to you, O Golden One,

Sole ruler, Uraeus of the Supreme Lord himself!

Mysterious one who gives birth to the divine entities,

forms the animals, models them as she pleases, fashions men..


O Mother!...Luminous One who thrusts back the

darkness, who illuminates every human creature with her rays,

Hail, Great One of many names..


You from whom the divine entities come forth in this your name of Mut-Isis!

You-who-cause the throat to breathe, daughter of Re,

whom he spat forth from his mouth in this your name of Tefnut!


O Neith who appeared in your barque in this your

name of Mut!

O Venerable Mother, you who subdue

your adversaries in this your name of Nekhebet!

O You-who-know-how-to-make-right-use-of-the-heart,

you who triumph over your enemies in

this your name of Sekhmet!

It is the Golden One...the lady of drunkenness

of music, of dance, of frankincense, of the crown,

of young women, whom men acclaim because they love her!

It is the Gold of the divine entities who comes forth at

her season, in the month of Epiphi, the day of the

new moon, at the festival of 'She is Delivered'....

 Heaven makes merry, the earth is full of gladness,

the Castle of Horus rejoices.


(Translation after M. Alliot, Le Culte d'Horus a Edfou. From Lucy Lamy    )

VENUS in the astrological natal chart represents a search for balance, love and harmony, in the form of inner contentment, and in the outside world through satisfying relationships with other people and pleasant sensations, by war or diplomacy – whatever it takes to restore the Equilibrium.


The Greeks anthropomorphised the concept of love and beauty in the goddess Aphrodite, generally an appeal to the aggressors of the world to calm down and see another viewpoint.

Venus-Aphrodite [Larousse]

The ultimate aim of the sensory experience of Venus is to awaken the inner spirit or soul. This is achieved as life experience teaches one to truly evaluate the material world and not just succumb to its pleasures. By and through the symbol of Venus one attracts what one thinks one would like. The lesson being, to discriminate between what one truly likes or loves and what is simply a passing desire on the one hand, or on the other simply an uncontrollable fascination or wanting.


In her orbit Venus hurries after the sun and they travel the zodiac almost together for Venus is never more than 48ยบ from that great star, although sometimes running ahead of him, and sometimes behind. Thus Venus sometimes rises before the sun and sometimes she sets after the sun. In this way she acquired the names of ‘morning star’ and the ‘evening star’ depending on where she is in her orbit. From our Earth point of view, if we trace Venus pathway around us it can be plotted as a 5 petal flower or rose which in itself has a deep and mystical meaning.


From ‘ EarthSky’, this illustration shows what’s called the 5 petals of Venus. It shows a simplified geocentric – Earth-centered – plot of the orbit of Venus as seen from planet Earth over an 8 year period, from 2016 to 2023. Image and article via Guy Ottewell

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